Been a minute, eh?

Can you guys believe it? June is almost over and we’re already halfway through 2024. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.

While fun isn’t exactly the word I would use to describe how things are these days, there are a lot of moments that have occurred over the last few months that have made me smile and appreciate life and how things are going.  The kids are healthy and continue to grow without my permission, I’ve managed to see some kickass movies, and I have a few concerts to look forward to this summer. Life is alright, and for now that seems to be enough.

Here are the Cole’s notes to what’s been going on:

1.) Two weeks ago, Katherine turned five years old. She’s a week away from finished JK and is playing soccer again this summer. She’s doing well, and I am very proud of the person she’s starting to become. She gets along very well with the other kids at school. Her mother and I have been getting numerous requests for play dates as the other kids like her a great deal and can’t stop talking about her. She’s a very happy go lucky kinda gal, and I get how they feel because being around her smile brightens everything. It inspires me to do better, and I keep trying for her.

2.) Speaking of kids… and you’ll get a kick out of this: I have another baby incoming. Earlier this year playing house with Kat’s mom kinda went a little too far and now another bun is in the oven. Estimated time of arrival is going to be late December or early January. Not planned, but we’ve been doing a great job with Kat so I’m not scared. Her 2nd ultrasound is happening within the next week, and we’ll have more data to work with then… but I am excited and nervous.

3.) Best movie I’ve seen this year so far is Dune 2, but there are a few big dramas coming up that I am looking forward to checking out. I am going to take the time to check out Costner’s new flick Horizon on the big screen… very excited about that one. Ethan’s favorite was Godzilla x Kong: the new empire, and it was a fun film so I can see why. Katherine and I watched Inside Out 2 last weekend, and that was fun too. I’ve been trying to go old school with Kat and we watched The Last Unicorn, which she really enjoyed. I might do some more retro films over the summer if I get the chance.

4.) In exactly a month, Ethan and I are going back to Bud Stage in Toronto to see another killer concert. We’re going to see REO Speedwagon and Train, which is going to be a fantastic show. I also have tickets to see Alan Doyle in August, and I am going to see Frank Turner in September. Usually when I have something good to look forward to, I tend to be more productive at home and work.

5.) This election cycle is going to be fucking brutal. I don’t post political pieces here like I used to, but this current Presidential campaign is going to ugly and I mean bowling shoe ugly. I just hope it remains reasonable civil, but forgive me if I don’t hold my breath. The politics circle used to be the most popular one on OD, but also the most confrontational. I don’t blame the site for not wanting to have to police it again, but I do miss it. It inspired me to step into the ring and metaphorically duke it out with others.

6.) New topic: right now I’m working on a few new novels. One of them is working out so well, that I’m willing to enter the gauntlet of sending inquires to agents/publishers to take the traditional path. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but this time it might work out. Even if it doesn’t, I can always self pub it and then go back to the drawing board and just try again. I have plenty of good reasons to keep trying, so I can and I will. There are other books that I’m going to just self-pub on my own and they’re looking good too! They’ve been getting a lot of good feedback from sites like Wattpad and what not, so I’m confident they’ll be alright.

Right now I am procrastinating, but that is about to stop. I’m going to post this entry and get back to work, but I’ll make a greater effort to come back to this diary whenever I get the chance. I’m not sure what I’ll do, but I’ll try to get back here when I can.

Until then, take care everyone.


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July 10, 2024

Congratulations on the upcoming new arrival! I absolutely understand your opinion on the US election, even on this side of the pond it appears utterly brutal. Especially after that debate where both leaders ended up arguing about golf! General consensus around here is that Trump has it in the bag. Our recent election was just as grim.