Monday 6/17/24

3:45a.m. I fell asleep around 9: 00 last night. Sleep was intermittent thanks to bad dreams. In the last dream I became a dictator of the United States. I ruthlessly crushed any opposition and all of our freedoms. Then I became sick and had to be hospitalized. The doctors and nurses plotted to kill me.     

I think I’m up for good. I don’t want to go back to sleep only to have nightmares. If I was in Misery Towers I’d fix myself a cupo on f coffee and have a smoke then read. I can’t smoke or have coffee but I’ll read.   

10:35a.m. This is turning out to be a just cannot shoot me day. I feel like day old road kill. I cid go back to sleep and had more God awful nightmares. I had dreams about my dead older sister and estranged daughter. We were all having an argument. My sister was very bossy. She wouldn’t let my daughter ride in my car. I didn’t like that and was yelling at her. I woke up again. All I remember was a few choice words were exchanged. 

I ate a good breakfast of French toast. It didn’t make me sick. But the coffee was cold so I didn’t drink it. I was then dressed and cleaned  up in time for the coffee social. If hurt like hell but I wheeled myself to the Fiesta Room. I felt a little better after one cup. Colleen came and took me to physical therapy. 

I couldn’t do it today. I screamed out in pain when I tried to move my left leg. My shoulders were hurting as well. I begged Colleen to take me back to my room. I said I was a screw up and s lost cause. We all have bad days she said.       

1:11p.m. I rested this morning. I slept in my wheelchair until lunch. The coffee perked me up some. For lunch I had two chicken fillet sandwiches that were delicious. My right shoulder is still hurting it I feel a lot better.  

I heard from Chocolatechip. She finished her laundry. I wish I was in Misery Towers with her. There is this guy in the building named Phil. He keeps bothering her. Phil is pissed at her because she rebuked his advances. He has been bothering her with since and remarkable since.     

Chocolatechip also remarked that everyone she met today seems to be in a very bad mood. I said people in Misery Towers usually are nasty. She is said it has been worse. Maybe the dangerous heat wave is affecting everyone. I said I think they are all just miserable assholes.  

I didn’t start my book until shortly before lunch. I had such a shitty morning I couldn’t think of it. Now that I’m feeling better I hope I can get into my audiobook Team of Rivals. I stopped at an interesting part last night. I’m  anxious to get back to it.       

3:01p.m. I’m in bed now. A very nice aides, put me in bed at 2:30. I was glad to get off that hoyer pad. I talked with Chocolatechip after the aide left. She is fine. She said Dr Phil has a good show. It’s about two p.eople who were trying to scam each other. We also talked about Phil. Phil has schizophrenia and is off his meds. No wonder he has been acting odd. Chocolatechip said she is going to start documenting any other incidents. I said that is a good idea. We talked until Dr Phil started. 

It is very hot here in the Upper Ohio Valley. The aide said temperature is up to a hundred degrees. We are under a great advisory until Friday. Chocolatechip said cooling centers are opened in Weirton. This is very dangerous weather for people with breathing problems.    

6:26p.m. I listened to Team of Rivals this afternoon. I got through Chapter 15. I talked with Chocolatechip about the Phil situation.  She is feeling bad about that I assured her we are ok, nothing really happened. I also said that she is a class act who was always up front and honest with me. We had a good talk. 

I’m mad about supper though. I ended up with two bowls of ham and pinto beans. When I was in the Fiesta Room I distinctly told them I wanted the substitute. I was looking forward to a good hamburger all day. Instead I ended up with something I can’t stand. Needless to say I didn’t eat supper tonight. 

Now back to “Phil.” I said it before it seems too much of a coincidence that this shit went down after Chocolatechip saw her family. She had a great time at the party and was so happy. I sound like a nutcase but people in Misery Towers can’t stand to see anyone happy. I’m convinced this was some sort of conspiracy to cause trouble. Again I sound crazy but people there have been trying to break us up ever since we got together. That was seventeen years ago. 

I didn’t read very much today. My day was very shitty. I listened to one chapter in my audiobook Team of Rivals. I hope to read one more tonight. Life is good

9:55p.m. I finished Chapter 16 and got halfway through the next chapter. I’m very tired now. I’ve done enough reading. Im calling it a day


























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