Friday 6/14/24

8:17a.m. I had another good night I remember this one dream where I was trying to solve yet another accounting problem.  Again I couldn’t do it. Then I will had a dream about my family. I was trying to keep a  record of my nieces and nephews grades from high school. I couldn’t do that right either. These were the only two dreams I remember.

I was up for good by 6:00. I called Chocolatechip. She wasn’t too talkative this morning. So I laid in bed until they served breakfast. I had French toast. Breakfast was pretty good today. Even the coffee was hot.

I’m above the dirt and faced with another day.

10:11a.m. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair. The aides got me ready by 9:00. I never saw her before and she didn’t know what she was doing. But she did her job and I was ready for the coffee social.  I wheeled myself to the Fiesta Room I saw my roommate down there. We didn’t speak. I had one cup of coffee then went back to my room. 

I’m supposed to have physical therapy today. They haven’t come for me. I don’t know what is going on. I hate to start listening to my book only to be interrupted But I’m anxious to get started today. I fell asleep in the middle of an interesting chapter last. Ight. I can’t wait to start reading. Ok I can’t resist the lure of a good book.

11:34a.m. I saw Scott from physical therapy. He checked out my left knee which is the bad one. I didn’t do exercises today. Scott said they have to make up a progress report. I don’t think I improved much. I said I tried the exercise bike. I just cannot move my legs.

I’ve been listening to my book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I was hearing about the Lincoln Douglas debate and Lincoln’s position on slavery. It was interesting. I’m finished with Chapter 6 “The Gathering Storm.”  I can’t wait to get started on the next chapter.

3:05p.m. I had two slices of cheese pizza and a cup of fruit for lunch.The pizza was delicious I have been listening to my audiobook Team of Rivals all afternoon. It is a great book. Right now I’m listening to the narrator talk about John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. Good stuff.

I’m in bed now. The hoyer pad began hurting me around 2:00 I didn’t have long to wait. The aides put me in bed and changed my briefs within a half hour. I’m glad to be off that damned pad.

6:26p.m. I sure did a lot of reading in Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin this afternoon. I read/listened to 50 pages of a truly wonderful history. I’m on Chapter 8 now. Here the author discussed the 1860 Republican convention. Abraham Lincoln beat William H Stewed, Salmon Chase and Edward Bates. I found this to be a very interesting story. 

I read until they served drinks and supper. I had BBQ chicken, scalloped potatoes, spinach and Angel food cake. The sauce on the chicken was a bit spicy but I ate everything but the spinach. I hate spinach.

Chocolatechip asked me today if I would rather be here or back in Misery Towers. I said if I could take care of myself and had a choice I’d prefer. Misery Towers Why? I said to bel with you. Also, I miss my freedom. I miss my apartment. I lost everything I had when I came here. My most cherished possession was my degree from Jefferson Technical College. I’m still crying over that one.

Then she asked me about going into a home. I said I wouldn’t do it until it’s absolutely necessary. Trust me, I said. You do not want to be here where I’m at or any other so called home. She said she will take that into consideration.

She also talked about getting a new cell phone. She thinks someone may of hacked her phone. Chocolatechip got a new number but her phone has been acting very weird. She was going to get one from QLink for $18 a month for four months. I said you better wait until you get that SCI payment paid. She agreed.

Also Rose Pest Control inspected her apartment. They did a thorough job. She was pronounced clear of bed bugs. We were both extremely happy.  Chocolatechip said she found a few dead ones in the traps they laid. But she has not been seeing any live ones. She is not letting anyone in her apartment nor is she @ others. I said good.

Then we talked about her family get together Saturday. The party starts  at 1:00. Chocolatechip was invited. Someone will pick her up probably around noon. Her three daughters will attend. Chocolatechip hopes to see her great grandson . I’m glad you got invited I said. I hope she has a good time.

We also talked about the usual crap going on at Misery Towers. Some of the stuff I swore not to repeat. All I said was I wouldn’t worry too much about what goes on in that place. All you have to do is pay your rent and keep your apartment clean. And she is doing an excellent job at both. The rest is just bullshit.

Well, I’m going back to my book. I hope to get through Chapter 8





































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