I got a…..

I got a job. Sometime next week I go through two days training, and then I start working. I’m still unsure about getting help right now with the bad situation I’m in. I have no money at the moment. I must take care of my mom who acts like nothing is happening. If I was by myself, I would have left a long time ago. This situation is becoming life threatening. The police don’t have any proof, so they say there hands are tied. I guess someone has to die before they will do anything about it. All I want is that my body will hold out from being dosed with chemicals nearly every night, WHICH IS GOING TO STOP!!!! And I do a good job at this new job, so I can save up some money.  As soon as I do, I’ll try to talk to my mom about this again. If she doesn’t listen to me…… I’m just going to have to call someone that will help the situation. I’m Not leaving my mom to this situation by herself. Then I gotta leave. I Really really don’t want to hate these guys, so I’m gonna ask God to bless them. God help me, God bless the traumatized people, and thank u for helping know and take care of this situation, thank ya/praise ya Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen.

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