Thursday 6/6/24

5:37a.m. I finished Chapter 6 last night. I’m now I halfway through Landscape Turned Red I stayed up until 10:30 reading. I had a good night with no weird dreams or nightmares. The aide came in to change my briefs not too long ago. It looks like I’m up for good. So I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day.   

I called Chocolatechip. We talked about inspection. Today is the of the  day of the big showdown. Chocolatechip is ready for them. But she wants to go over everything one more time. Chocolatechip said she heard people up last night cleaning. She can’t imagine waiting until the last minute to get ready.Then there was a big party going on out by the gazebo she said. I said I bet a lot of people are in for a rude awakening. We talked for about a half hour then she wanted to get ready.   

10:57a.m. I had two pancakes for breakfast. I didn’t drink thei coffee  because it got cold .The aides got me up and in my wheelchair around 9:15. I made my way to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. Paranoia got the best of me. I thought I heard my name mentioned a few times.  I had one cup of coffee and quickly made my way back to my room. 

I talked with Chocolatechip. They hadn’t been to her apartment yet. She said inspection is from 9-1. They have eight floors of apartments to inspect. After inspection she plans on going to Krogers,for more groceries. I talked about Biden giving a speech commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D Day. She said that would be interesting to watch. We talked for a few minutes then she had to go. 

My arthritis was starting to flair up in time for physical therapy.Culleen came to take me to the gym.  I did the usual leg exercises but my heart wasn’t in it. She said I did good today. I said I’m a lost cause. All I want to do is sit on my lazy butt and read books. But I worked out fork a little over forty minutes. Then she took me back to my room.

I have today’s menu in front of me For lunch I’m having bbq pulled pork. corn and a fruit cup For supper it’s beef stir fry. rice , a dinner roll and a peanut butter bar. I guess it’s better than nothing.

1:16p.m. I at all my lunch. They also served bean with bacon soup. Even the soup was good. Then Chocolatechip called. She passed inspection. Kim and Stacy did a thorough inspection. Chocolatechip said they didn’t find any problems. After inspection Chocolatechip took the bus to Krogers. She bought about $50 worth of groceries. We talkedl for a few minutes then she wanted to put away her food.

I’m anxious to get started on my book Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. I hope I can read Chapter 7 this afternoon. Arthritis pain died down and lunch didn’t make me sick. So I should be able to concentrate on it and learn something.

3:51a.m. I’ve been in bed reading since 2:30. I also heard from Chocolatechip that two tenants have been evicted. They are on the 2nd floor. I think they were wheeling and dealing and they failed inspection. Chocolatechip said they have fifteen days to leave. I said you really have to be a screw up to get evicted from Misery Towers .

I’m getting great care today. I just had an accident. Aide was in right away to change my briefs. She was friendly as well. That makes all the difference.

6:25p.m. I ate all my supper. The meat was tough. But I ate it anyways and didn’t get sick. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She said this one girl Patty got evicted. A total of three were evicted so far today. Other than that Chocolatechip didn’t have much to say. She was dead tired so we cut it short tonight. I did ask what her plans were for tomorrow. She said make a batch of macaroni salad and keep up with the housework.

Nothing much else has been going on. I’ve been reading all afternoon. I’m halfway through Chapter 7. I hope to finish that chapter tonight. Life is good.

7:56p.m. I finished Chapter 7. I’m on a reading roll. I read 132 straight days. I wanna read forever











































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