Monday 6/3/24

5:55a.m. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair already. It is just as well because I had another bad night. I woke up at four from a nightmare and couldn’t get back to sleep. I laid in bed until five when my aide got me up. She did a great job. I got a nice sponge  bath before she dressed me.

I didn’t finish Chapter 3 in my book last night. I got most of it done but got sleepy around ten. Then, like I said I started having nightmares. They hit me when I fell asleep. I’d wake up fall asleep then wake up again. This went on all night until I was up for good.

I called Chocolatechip after I was in my wheelchair. She was up but was t exactly too thrilled that I called at 5:30 in the morning. Still we talked. Chocolatechip complained about her back hurting.Then she was talking about going to Krogers for groceries. She plans on taking the 8:30 bus . We just talked for a few minutes.

Well I’m above the dirt. I’m not doing very well. My shoulders and neck are hurting. The pain level is a five on a one to ten scale. I wish to hell I had a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. But I will have to wait.  They will be serving drinks in thirty minutes. I’m hoping a nice cup of hot coffee will boost my spirits.

10:11a.m. I had a skimpy breakfast of scrambled eggs and French toast. The coffee was hot but it didn’t revive my spirits. Arthritis got to be very bad. I asked for some Tylenol with my morning meds. I then fell asleep in my wheelchair I slept until Chocolatechip called. She had gone to Krogers and was waiting for the bus home. We talked for a few minutes.

I made it to the coffee social. I had one cup and some cookies. I didn’t have a good time. I saw Norman down there. We didn’t speak. He was talking to this lady. Paranoia was getting the best of me.  I felt very uncomfortable so I left after I drank my coffee.

I stopped at the business office on the way back. The nursing home will get my check tomorrow. I will get $50 out of it.  I intend to get another d$50 Amazon gift card when they go Walmart shopping on the 8th. This way I can buy those three books.

Chocolatechip called when I got back to my room. She walked about her shopping trip. She bought 18 frozen meals plus some cleaning supplies. She was also talking about Weirton Transit. The city is taking it over this month. They will have a public meeting at the Milsop center at 6pm. She said she would like to go but transportation is a problem. Then she said everyone is doing laundry today. They are getting ready for the big showdown on the 6th. We talked for a few minutes then she had to go.

I’m having a good morning now. The Tylenol and the coffee helped with the arthritis. I hope I can finish Chapter 3 in Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. Life is good.

1:00p.m. I made it back to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I ate two egg salad sandwiches and a cup of fruit. The coffee was good and hot. I wasn’t very paranoid this time. Funny I’m very hard of hearing. But I can hear people talking about me from across the room. Ok I’ll bel thu first to admit I’m crazy as a loon. Anyways it was good down there during lunch. I made my way back to my room after I ate.

I called Chocolatechip . She is in good spirits. She was listening to music on YouTube. Chocolatechip said said she might order YouTube Premium next month . I said that would be great. This way you can watch music videos without commercials. She was also the talking about movies. Her favorite movies include Coal Miner’s Daughter and The Trouble with Angels. I was talking about the books my favorite authors I’m going to buy this month. Then she said she is going to start going to the public library after inspection. Chocolatechip isn’t much of a reader but she wants to start. I  was kidding her when I said you should start reading about the Civil War. We talked for a longtime then she wanted to watch her favorite show NBC Daily News.

Speaking of news Chocolatechip asked if I heard anything about Trump. I said I had it on CNN last night. One thing Trump said was he is ok if he has to do jail time. But if he is sentenced to jail that will be the breaking point for his supporters. Then they were talking about how he might plan to get political revenge against real or imagined enemies if he is reelected. I said to Chocolatechip, Trump does not forgive and forget. God help us if he does get back in power.

6:31p.m. I didn’t have much of a supper. They served a small piece of pork chop, a few fried potatoes and a brownie. At least the coffee was hot. I’m also in a very bad spot. I have been sitting on this hoyer pad for over twelve hours. I’m in a lot of pain and I’m soaked.k I can’t get help from the aides because they are taking care of dinner trays. I had the call light on and I’ve been crying out in pain. I might as well be spitting against the wind.

I did a lot of reading before supper. I read for little over an hour. I finished Chapter 3 and a good bit of Chapter 4. This chapter is about the battle of South Mountain. It was fought a few days before the climate battle of Antietam. It was a minor victory for the Union.

7:49p.m.   I’m finially in bed. I was sitting in urine for two hours. Plus I was in a hell of a a lot of pain. I was screaming my fool her ad off. But I’m in bed now. I’m doing a little better but I need to defuse. Jesus, I don’t want to go through this shit tomorrow night.









































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