Wedñesday 5 / 29 /24

7:12a.m. I didn’t sleep last night. They had the air on all night. I  frozen my  ass off.  I did get a good shower and much needed shave. But I was miserable thanks to being so cold. Anyways I’m awake and above the dirt. 

I finished Chapter 10 in my book To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I read about the Union army’s retreat to the James River and them battle for Savage’s Station. Next battle in the Seven Days was Glendale. This was fought I think on June 30 Sears writes that the Confederates lost an opportunity to end the war in Virginia victory at this time.  

I just refused my breakfast tray. I’m not very hungry this morning. I had my coffee and juice. That was enough for me. I want to concentrate on my book and start on Chapter 11 “Opportunity at Glendale.”  

11:43a.m. I’m having a very bad day. Everything is hurting. On a scale of one to ten pain level is a five. I have pain in my belly and pain in my shoulders. Fortunately I slept in my wheelchair most of the morning.

I still made it to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I had two slices of pepperoni pizza and a couple of cookies. The pizza was good but very messy. I ended getting sauce and cheese everywhere. Still it was good. I’m feeling somewhat better. But I had an accident. Oh well I bet half the people here people here pee themselves.

They are having Bonus Point shopping here at 2:00. You get so many points for participating in activities. You can spend d those points when they set up these shopping parties. I think I will pass on this one. I’m still not feeling up to par.

1:39p.m. I’m feeling better. I’ve been listening to music on YouTube. I’m still soaked and I had a bm. I’m kind of miserable. I want to be changed and put in bed. Aide just answered my call light. She said it will be awhile because she had to get help. Fine! I’ll just sit in my own filth I’m said to myself. I finially got help after sitting in poop and pee for two hours. Three times they came and said in a little bit we got to get help. I ended up yelling for help and going to the nurse’s station. I saw the aides standing by the desk doing nothing but talking. I told the charge nurse about my situation. She got them working.

This has been a bad day so .far. But I am clean now. It was an ordeal fighting the aides for help. I feel very exhausted after going through this shit and very depressed.

5:23p.m. I’m feeling much better. I listened to a lot of country music on YouTube. Music and Chocolatechip always puts me in a good mood. We talked for a long time after she finished her laundry. She did two loads this afternoon. Her daughter Anne stopped with a late Mother’s Day gift. She also got a nice card. But she was talking about how low her food supply is. She gets her check Friday and she will have to buy some food then.

We were talking about in a way I am lucky. I don’t have to worry about inspection. I don’t have to worry about getting food. As Chocolatechip says all I have to do is sit on my lazy butt listen to music and read.  Then I said I have to put up with sitting in my own filth for hours on end. Believe me, that is no fun. I also have to put up with chronic arthritis pain incontinence and painful bloating. That is no fun either.

6:24p.m. They served fish, potatoes,mixed veggies a dinner roll and pineapple bits for supper. I ate everything but the veggies. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. We talked for a few minutes. She was on the go since 5:00. She was very tired so she went to bed early.

I have the tv on CNN. They are talking about the Trump hush money trial. It is now in the hands of the jury. I hope Trump is found guilty on all 34 counts. But I will be surprised if he is convicted on any of them

Well I’m going to spend the night reading. I’m not too tired despite not sleeping last night. I’m going to start Chapter 11 over again.

9:22p.m. I skimmed over Chapter 11 in my book. I have two more to go. I enjoyed reading To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. As always s I’ll give this a five star rating. Next up will be another Civil War book Landscapes Turned Red by the same author. This book is about the battle of Antietam. I can’t wait to get started on this one. I hope to get started on it Saturday.

I’m having a good night. The aide I have is a lot nicer. She changed my briefs around 8:00. She did a good job. I was able to concentrate on my book and did a lot of reading. I’m still wide awake. I think I’m ready to tackle the next chapter. Life is good


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May 29, 2024

Oh Bear, I’m sorry that the aides were arses. At least you had pizza 🍕 non? That’s my dinner too!

May 29, 2024

@bespectacledredhead  Thanks Sammy. The pizza was good

May 29, 2024

@bear70 Sometimes life just hands you lemons. 😀

May 29, 2024

I love me a good pizza, and the messier it is, the better. Have a good night, Bear!