Saturday 5/25/24

12:22p.m. I had another lousy night because of nightmares. I was up and down all night long. I was up for good by six . I had my breakfast an hour later. They served biscuits and gravy. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. We talked a few minutes. I wasn’t doing very well. I was dead tired and arthritis was killing me. 

 The aides got me dressed and in my wheelchair by nine. I still wasn’t too with it. But I made it to the coffee social.  I didn’t have a good time.  Paranoia was bad. I was sitting by myself. There were a bunch of people sitting on the next table. I thought they were talking about me. But I had one coffee then made my way back to my room. 

I was hurting like crazy from arthritis. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I woke up around noon. I had my lunch drinks. They served two hot dogs, baked beans and sugar cookies for dessert. I ate everything and didn’t get sick. I’m feeling much better now. 

4:39p.m. They put me in bed at 1:30. I fell asleep again shortly after. I sure have been sleeping a lot today. That’s what happens when you can’t sleep at night. You sleep during the day.

I’m having spaghetti , roasted zucchini, a dinner roll then peaches and blueberries for dessert.

6:54p.m. I wish I hadn’t eaten supper. I got very sick from it. I had a very painful bm and got bloated. Fortunately the aides changed my briefs and cleaned me up. But I still have a painful bloated feeling in my belly. What a way to end a shitty day.

I talked with Chocolatechip. She was watching country music videos on YouTube. Chocolatechip and I both like old time country music. Tonight she was listening to Tanya Tucker singing Delta Dawn. She also played Trace Atkins Rough and Ready. We were also talking about the Jamboree in the Hills. We watched that on Channel 9 every summer. We both agree it was a shame they stopped having it. I think talking to Chocolatechip was the best part of the day.

I’m still not feeling well but I hope I can finially finish Chapter 7 tonight. I don’t have much farther to go. I’m making very slow progress in To the Gates of Richmond . I guess I need to take a break from the Civil War. But I will finish that damned book

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