Tuesday 5/ 21/24

7:16a.m.They must of put something in my juice last night. I conked out very early. I had a good rest with no weird dreams. I was up for good at six. I couldn’t tell if it was morning or night .It took me awhile to get oriented. 

I didn’t get a chance to finish Chapter 3 in To the Gates of Richmond. I barely remember reading about the battle for Williamsburg, VA. I’ll have to go over this again. It turned out to be a Union victory of sorts. But the Union army failed to destroy the Confederate forces. McClellan faced criticism for this failure.  

I just had a breakfast of sausage and blueberry pancakes. The syrup on the pancakes gave me heartburn As usual I got sick from eating. I wish I didn’t have to eat at all. 

10:42a.m. I’ve been sick with very painful heartburn all morning . I also felt very bloated. On a pain scale of 1-10 I’d rate it a 6. it was pretty good awful. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair now. I’m hoping sitting up will ease the heartburn 

I talked with Chocolatechip a little bit.  She had a bad night. Someone knocked on her door early in the morning. That woke her up and she couldn’t get back to sleep. Then she had bad nightmares. Chocolatechip said all that work for inspection is catching up with her.  But that didn’t stop her from getting up and doing laundry. I said you are worth your weight in gold. 

We also talked about my GI problems. Something needs to be done by she said. Almost everything I eat gives me some kind of problem. Chocolatechip said if this gets worse I should demand to be taken tok the ER. I said I’m supposed to be on meds of some kind. But that doesn’t seem to help. In any case the nursing home knows what’s going on. 

I have today’s menu. I’m having sloppy joes for lunch. I don’t havo I think I’ll pass. I also plan on laying off on coffee.  Coffee has acid and it can effect the stomach. But then nearly everything effects my stomach.

12:00p.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room. I am going to try and eat lunch after all. I must be a glutton for punishment. Anyway I ate two sandwiches, and the pineapple crisp. I didn’t eat the soup or the potato salad. I’m drinking my coffee and heading back to my room

2:00p.m. I’ve been soaked in pee all afternoon. Consequently I was very miserable. But I had a couple of aides who took good care of me. They got me on bed, undressed me cleaned me up and put cream on my sores. I told them they did a great job. I’m feeling much better now.

I haven’t been reading very much today. I wasn’t feeling well this morning. Then I had a bad incontinence episode after lunch. I tried but I just cannot concentrate on a book while soaked in urine. I’m in bed now so I should be able to read my book To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears.

5:27p.m. I was lying in bed talking to Chocolatechip when they informed me I would be moved to the other side of the building. This is only for the night. They want to clean and spray my room. I don’t like the idea but I have no choice.   

Anyways Chocolatechip was telling me some sad news. Tim the Pervert passed away Saturday night. Tim had been sick for some time. He had asthma and COPD among other things. Chocolatechip said he couldn’t take care of himself. He wouldn’t quit smoking. He didn’t want to go on oxygen.

The thing that scared me was I have COPD and asthma. We were also the same age ,72. Plus I had known Tim for over twenty some years. We were never really friends. I certainly didn’t like how he talked dirty stories to Chocolatechip. That’s why I called him Tim the Perv in my diaries. But he was an acquaintance and he never gave me a hard time when I lived at Misery Towers.

Chocolatechip was saying almost all of the old timers at Misery Towers are gone. Wayne died, Jeannie died and nearly everyone we hung out with are gone and I’m in a nursing home. I said Chocolatechip Tim’s death was just too close for comfort. They say death comes in threes I hope I’m not next in line or Chocolatechip.  

I guess life goes on. I did some reading this afternoon. I started Chapter 4 over again. I read again about the Confederate retreat from York Town and the battle of Williamsburg ,Va. Both were Union victories, a cording to General McClellan. But McClellan still faced criticism in some Northern circles. It was also noted that the commanding general was not present at Williamsburg untilk it was over. Yet he claimed credit for the victory and was very critical of the corps commanders. 

I didn’t like supper. They served chicken cacciatore,rice pilaf and a squash medley. I ate the chicken and vanilla pudding. I had a cup of hot coffee while I was in the Coral Room 

I don’t like this temporary room either. Iti seems too small. I had to get out because I was starting to feel claustrophobic. I’m also without a phone. I don’t like being without a phone even for one night. Then I have no tv so I can’t watch CNN. I’ll be glad when I get back to my old room.   

9:07p.m. I had a nice shower tonight. The aide who put me in bed was great. I’ve been reading since my shower. I’m on Chapter 5 in To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I think I am getting used to this room. I feel relaxed after my shower and getting lost in the Civil War for awhile.Still I will be glad when I’m back to my old room.  

I’m still wide awake. I’m going to try and stay up and stay up and read.




















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