
I am broken. I am a shell of a person right now.

After the last posts, I stayed. I stuck around. I know it was classic love bombing but was so easy to get swept up in.

Today I found out he was still with his ex girlfriend for the first month of our relationship. He would leave her and come to me, he would leave me and go to her.

it hurts so bad. He was copy and pasting his good morning texts to both of us. He was telling us both he loved us. He was saying to both of us that he loved us.

He was just showing me potential wedding bands. Star Wars themed wedding bands. It was so perfect. We’d been looking at houses. It was moving SO fast but felt so right.


it was love bombing. I’m so broken. It hurts so bad.

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May 24, 2024

Don’t blame yourself for staying. Your love is pure. Hold on to what defines you, and let him go.

May 24, 2024

I’m so sorry this happened; sounds like your gut was telling you the truth.