Upgrades, Call Backs & Broken Headsets…

Well, it did snow a couple of days after I wrote my last entry and it snowed a lot. A fuck ton actually, I woke up and looked out and what did I see…. about a foot of snow on the ground. My car was totally covered in snow, needless to say I wasn’t too pleased with the amount of snow that was on the ground. But it’s gone now and there is still some snow in the yard plus I can see the sidewalk and streets again. The weather has been super nice out the last few days and it felt good to get out and get some fresh air. I went out and got a new giant mousepad for my desk, the old one was all tattered at the edges and fraying. It was time to get a new one anyways, it was about 5-6 years old and I’m really liking the new one. I also got a headset hanger and a new Razer gaming keypad, the old keypad was about 5-6 years old as well and the buttons were starting to go on it. So it was time to get a new one and I tested it playing some Call of Duty and the key response was better. Tomorrow I’ll be trying it out playing some Diablo IV for a couple of hours, it should hold up to the constant button pushing casting spells and stuff. I FINALLY got a call back from my doctor to refill my prescriptions today. He does call backs for his patients on Thursdays and the last 2 weeks he never called after I made the call to reception and be put on the call list for Thursday. Needless to say I was motherfucking mad as fuck at him for not calling back. But I got my meds refilled and now I’m good for the next couple of months or so until I need to get him to fill my prescriptions again. I’m choked my wireless headset is starting to go on me, I bought it on a special for Black Friday and it’s an awesome sounding wireless headset. I looked to see if I can return it and since I got it on a very special deal I can’t send it back because the date had passed for me to return it. It is a pricey headset and I love the sound it has, I listen to my tunes while I type in my diary or watch TV and movies. But I don’t know if I could shell out 300$ for a brand new headset. I guess I’ll have to wait and see what happens in the next little while, I will return soon…Peace.


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