Wednesday 2/21/24

7:08p.m. I was up early and in my wheelchair by 4:30 today I wasn’t to with it so I slept in my chair until they served drinks and breakfast. I ate toast, cold scrambled eggs and cereal. I finially got in touch with Chocolatechip. Shel had a bad night. Chocolatechip was stressed about that SCI thing. I kept telling her they don’t have a leg to stand on. The worse thing that can happen is turning it in to a bureau. She said she doesn’t buy anything on credit anyways. We talked about that for awhile then she had to get busy with housework.

I made it to the Coffee Social. I didn’t stay very long. I had one cup and left. I was stopped by one of the staff. She wanted me to stay for lunch. She said they want me to get out of my room. I said I had to call my girlfriend. The truth is I have no control over my bladder or bowel movement. I’m terrified of pooping myself in public. So I made my way back to my room.

I did call Chocolatechip. She was doing laundry. She was in better spirits. She was on the phone a lot with Xfinity. She owed $18. She got a new debit card today and paid it with that. She also was able to sign up with Q Link for $20.75 a month. She asked how I was doing. I said fine. I told them how they wanted me to get out of my room. I said I go to the Coffee Social every day. I think that is enough I said.

I started to read my NIV Study Bible I read for almost an hour. I have two more chapters to go in 2 Samuel I stopped in time for lunch. I had two big slices of cheese pizza and a cucumber salad. That !ade me very bloated. I went to the nurse’s station and got some Mylanta. I talked with Chocolatechip a little bit and then began to read.

I read a lot this afternoon I finished reading Landslide The Final Days of the Trump Presidency by Michael Wolff. I gave it a five star rating. I started another interesting book on Trump. This one is entitled  The Reckoning by Mary L Trump She is the niece of Donald and has nothing good to say about her uncle. I read the first two chapters.

I also talked with Chocolatechip before supper. She had some good news. She was able to fix her computer. Also now that she is cleared of bed bugs she is planning a lunch date with her daughter Anne and sister Cathleen. I said that will be fun.  She would like to go to Bob Evans I said that would be great. Then she talked about an upcoming video chat with Rachel from CMP. She wanted to get ready for bed early so I let her go.

Supper was ok. They served country smothered chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. I also had a biscuit and mixed veggies. For dessert I had ambrosia. I was all coffee out so I only drank my juice.

This was a good day. I hope tomorrow will be even better.




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February 21, 2024

Glad this day was a good one for you, Bear: you deserve it.