Monday 2/19/24

4:20p.m I’m back.I was on a new med for arthritis pain. In !afe me sleep most of the day. I finially had enough of it Sunday and refused to take it. This had been the first n five days I felt like myself. There isn’t much to write about when you sleep all day.

I was reading when I wasn’t sleeping. I finished Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I’m almost finished with another anti Trump book Landslide The Final Days of the Trump Presidency by Michael Wolff. These were two very good books. Anyways I hope to finish Landslide by Wednesday. I’m on a Trump kick. My next read will be The Reckoning by Mary L Trump, Ph.D

I do not know what they put me on but that pain med knocked me out cold. I slept most of the weekend. When awake I felt all groggy and drugged up. Whatever that med was it was not a good experience. I’m glad I got off it before I got addicted to it. I swear, no more pain meds for me.

Today was the first good day I had in awhile. I hadn’t been feeling up to going to the Coffee Social. But this was the first time in several days I actually went. I had a good time too. I had two cups of nice hot coffee and read my book for awhile. I didn’t stay too long. I went back to my room talked with Chocolatechip then returned to my book. I read two chapters in Landslide today.

I also began reading my NIV Study Bible today. I started at the beginning of n 2 Samuel. I read for about an hour getting through nine chapters. I’ve been falling behind on my Bible Study. I just wasn’t up to it because of the pain med. I really do want to read the Bible again. So I’m going to make every effort to read it for an hour daily.



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February 19, 2024

I’ve been on some of those pain meds when I had kidney stones: it can knock you down and drag your ass all over the place. Glad you were able to get off them.