From Rocks to Stars



“From Rocks to Stars”




I awoke to find a Feeling lying beside me saying something was missing.




I took the Feeling by the hand and we went looking.




We looked under all the furniture and found nothing but dust of my powdered memories.




We looked in all the rooms, and found only the empty places in my heart I choose not to dwell.




The Feeling pulled me outside, and we looked into water and saw the deepest currents of my dreams, dissipating in every direction, without ever sharing meaning.




So we looked under rocks, and found only my pain and anger huddled together like salamanders, never coming out to greet the peaceful sky.




And as the night fell we sifted through twilight, squinting when my doubts and fears would flash at us like harmless fireflies.




We looked up at the night sky, and in the stars I saw your face, and it reminded me of Love, and the Feeling let go of my hand, opened its wings, and whispered in my ear,





“I’ll see you tomorrow.”




@PHiLo.poema {2/10/2024}



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