Wednesday 2/7/24

5:08a.m. I fell asleep just after talking with Chocolateschip. I had more weird dreams. I had another crossdressing dream. I was wearing a wig and a skirt. I think I was in this Greyhound bus terminal . I think it was in Canton, Ohio. I was trying to get a ticket to Follansbee. There was some sort of confusion over the destination. The clerk said the bus stopped at locations I never heard of. Then I saw my sister. She told the clerk I was born after those destinations in Follansbee longer existed. There is more to this dream but I vaguely remember it.

The aides woke me up at 4:45. They did a good job and I got in my wheelchair in no time. But I didn’t get very good care during the night. I think they woke me up once early in the morning to change me. I don’t remember any other time. Oh well it’s par for the course. 

10:19a.m. Breakfast was skimpy. I ate a sweet roll and scrambled eggs. Of course the eggs were cold. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was all ready to go with her case manager to the FedEx store. She will be glad ad to be rid of that damned phone from Xfinity. Chocolatechip also talked about SCI. She will never take another  course from them again. I said good. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to take a shower.

I read my NIV Study Bible. I read about old King Saul and David. I read five chapters in 1 Samuel. I got my of Bible studying in. Then I went to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. It was cold in there again. I had one cup and left. When I got back to my room they cleaned out my bad right ear. Hopefully. I can hear better.

Now that I did my daily Bible reading I can concentrate on my book  Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I didn’t read it last night so I have some catching up to do. I’m enjoying reading about Trump. I do not want to fall behind. 

1:29p.m. Lunch was ok. I ate two BBQ pork sandwiches. Then y were cold but I ate them anyways. Lunch came with fried potatoes but they were too cold. For dessert I had two peanut butter cookies. The sandwiches made me bloated so I got some Mylanta.

I was looking at books on my Kindle before lunch. I found a lot of good and interesting books . I added them to my shopping list. There is no way I can buy more books until I pay off that debt to the nursing home. I checked with the business office and she said it will be paid off by April. Grr. I still have plenty of books to read in the meantime.

I talked with Chocolatechip a lot. I suggested she use that $60 for Comcast towards paying off SCI. She said that was an excellent idea. She mentioned how much she has on her debit card. I said if it isn’t going on something I’d pay off SCI. But before you do anything wait until the final outcome from Comcast. She said she will do just that. 

I asked what she was going to do this afternoon. She said watch tv. Chocolatechip said she wants to go back out again. She wants to get a money order from the bank to pay Comcast then go to the post off and M&B . But she can do that tomorrow. For now she plans on watching a movie.  I said that is a good idea.

I talked about my Bible reading today. I! Said I was reading about King Saul and David. Chocolatechip said you must really be committed. I said I am.  I said there is a lot of history  about the  ancient Israelites I like reading about that. Chocolatechip said that is good. Then she asked if I’m still reading the other book Midnight in Washington. I said it yes I’m about halfway through it.

Well I’m going to read that book  this afternoon.ive been putting it off long enough.

3:01p.m. I’m in bed now. I was enduring considerable discomfort since lunch. I was sitting in urine and feces for three hours. I turned on the call  light at two. I had to wait for an hour. Finially, Chocolatechip called the front desk. This was the second day in a row she had to do that. Chocolatechip ,who are used to work as an LPN in nursing home, said this isn’t normal behavior. I agreed.

Anyways I’m in bed now. The aides who came did a good job. They changed my briefs then put cream on my butt and thighs. I didn’t say anything but I was pissed. This was the first time I been changed since they got me up this morning. I should be changed more than two times a day.

6:21p.m. I felt like shit after they put me to bed. Sitting in my own filth all afternoon and having to beg for help made me depressed. I crashed and slept for awhile. Chocolatechip called and woke me  up. We talked for until they served drinks. They gave me lemonade and coffee. I couldn’t drink drink either one. In fact I was already feeling bloated and couldn’t eat a supper of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I just couldn’t handle that much food.

I talked with Chocolatechip before she went to bed. Se was having a major meltdown from the stress of a last few days.  Thank God she was able to get that damned phone shipped back.FedEx even sent it by express at no charge . We are both glad this came to a happy ending. Never again will she get anything from Comcast.

I soaked again I’m laying in urine while the aides are taking care of dinner trays. I do not know when I will be able to get help. This is not normal nursing home behavior. But I’m stuck in this hellhole.











A. Sj





















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