Sunday 2/4/24

4:58a.m. I finished Judges last night. I also read from my book Midnight in Washington. I read until nine then fell asleep. I slept pretty good with no weird dreams. I also received good care. They came in at least three times to change my briefs. The aides got me up at four this morning. Again I got good care. I got a nice sponge bath. I was in my wheelchair by 4:30.       

So I’m above the dirt. Actually, I feel pretty good. I’m not too sleepy and am not in any kind of pain. Life is good.i 

7:48a.m. I talked with Chocolatechip this morning. She is doing better and not worried about Xfinity. We talked briefly about it then I fell asleep. I slept in my wheelchair until they served drinks and breakfast. I had pancakes, scrambled eggs and oatmeal cereal. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She was ready to do laundry so we didn’t talk too long.

My day is going fairly well so far. I can’t wait until the Coffee Social. I need more coffee. I really am a bear without two or three cups of hot coffee in the morning. Other than that I feel good.     

11:58a.m. I made it to the Coffee Social. I had a good time. I read a chapter in Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. The author has nothing good to say about Trump. Schiff was talking about how Trump’s closets advisors were in contact with Russian intelligence during the 2016 election. This part of the story read like a spy novel. I found it very interesting.

I read for an hour while in the Fiesta Room. I had two cups of hot 

 while I enjoyed my book. I would of liked to stay there for lunch. But it gets very cold down there. So I made my way back to my room after finishing a chapter. I called Chocolatechip. She is in a much better mood today. We talked for almost an hour. Then she wanted to watch a movie so w,e said goodbye.

That pretty much sums up my morning. They will be serving lunch soon. Today it it is sauerkraut, fried potatoes and peach streusel pie. I’ll eat everything but the sauerkraut.    

3:50p.m.I am in bed now. The aides put me in bed an hour after lunch. They were friendly and did a good job. I tried to read but got  sleepy and fell asleep. I slept most of the afternoon. I did call Chocolatechip after lunch. She was busy folding laundry. We didn’t talk very much. Also, I ate the sauerkraut. This time it didn’t bother me. All on all I had a good afternoon.      

6:22p.m. Supper wasn’t.  all that great. Tonight it was open roast beef sandwiches, mashed potatoes with gravy, brussel sprouts and a cup of mixed fruit. The meat was dry. I ate most of it though. Nobody can accuse me of wasting food.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was listening to music on UTube. They were playing out song You Decorated My Life. I will never forget the first time she played that for me. I kissed her for the first time that night. Anyway we sang that over the phone. I started to tear up.

We talked about the old times. We had so many good times together. We both thought they would just go on and on. I said I never thought I would end up in a nursing home.  I also said becoming incontinent broke the camel’s back. I was on oxygen because of COPD and I had mobility issues. But peeing constantly did me in. We talked about that for awhile then she wanted to go to bed

I’m going to read tonight. I didn’t do much reading today. I slept most of the days away. I want to read my book Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I’ll probably read for a couple hours then fall asleep 




























feel good.










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