Friday 2/2/24

7:51a.m. I got off to a rocky start. The aides got me up at 5:00. They were nice and did a good job. I was in my wheelchair by 5:30. Then I had a bad coughing spell that lasted a long time. It wore me out and I slept in my chair. I woke up and started coughing again I was one miserable old fart.

I called Chocolatechip. Her cable packages increased by two dollars. It isn’t much but when you are on a fixed income every penny goes to something. So any change in expenses, no matter howl small, can be a catastrophe. If worse comes to worse Chocolatechip said she will delete can able

We also talked about her going to Walmart for groceries today.  Chocolatechip said she is very low on food. She plans on taking an early bus . We always did like to get our shopping done in the morning. Now she wants to do it but so she can go to Bible study in the afternoon. We talked about other things until they served breakfast.

Breakfast was good. I had French toast, coffee and orange juice. The coffee wasn’t very hot but I drank it anyways. The juice seemed to help clear my chest. Im not as congested or coughing like I was. I’m feeling much better.

I’m starting that new book Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff today. I can’t wait to get to it. It should be interesting. I also plan on going to the Coffee Social today. I need more coffee to get me started.

12:45p.m. I didn’t make it in time for the Coffee Social. I slept in. I did go down there but I missed the social. I went back to my room and read my book Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I read the first two chapters. In the first chapter Schiff recounts his experiences during the January 6 insuraction. Rightly so he blames Trump for inciting the rioters and spreading lies about the so called stolen election. I think this might be an interesting book.

I read until it was lunch time. They served two bowls of chicken pot pie. I couldn’t eat any of it. I did have coffee and an orange punch. This time the coffee was fairly hot. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She was trying g to figure out how to delete data from her old cell phone. I tried to help her but I know nothing about cell phones. She also talked about deleting cable from her package and keeping Q Link. Again I didn’t know what to tell her.  We talked for about a half hour then she wanted to get ready for Bible study.

I guess it’s time to go back to my book. I want to read a couple more chapters. Then I want to read my NIV Study Bible. It seems my whole life revolves around Chocolatechip and reading books. I’m not complaining but I do lead a very boring life.











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February 2, 2024

Sounds like a good morning, Bear. Enjoy the book!