Thursday 2/1/24

1:20p.m.I’m having a good day. The aides got me in my wheelchair by 5:30a.m.Insteaf of falling asleep  I picked up my Kindle and read The Exchange:After the After the Firm by John Grisham. Except for breakfast and lunch I’ve been reading all morning. I have twenty more pages to go then I’m finished with that sucker. 

I enjoyed reading The Exchange. it is a continuation of the adventures of Mitch and Abby McDeere. It takes place fifteen years after Mitch and Abby escape from Memphis with their lives. After years on the run from the Mob they settle in New York. Mitch eventually becomes a parent in Scully and Pershing, the biggest international law firm in the world 

Mitchell McDeere is representing a Turkish company sueing the Libya overnment under Muamar  Gaddafi   The story gets good when Mitch and and Giovanna Sadroni travel to Libya on a fact finding mission. Mitch is    poisoned and Giovanna ends up a hostage. The terrorist demand $100 million or she will be executed. The story revolves around attempts to raise the money and save Giovanna. 

I have not yet finished it  I’m near the end and I do not know if Giovanna is saved or not. The author keeps you guessing until the very end I think it is a very good story, one that would grab your interest from the beginning and never let you go until the end. I have in a five star rating. .

I made it to the Coffee Social. I had one cup. I read in the Fiesta Room for an hour. I made my way back to my room I started reading again and read until lunch which was shitty today. I had two tuna salad sandwiches. That’s what they served but I didn’t eat them. I did eat the Mandarin oranges and potato salad. Plus I haid juice and coffee. After that I went back to my book.

Lunch  was a big disappointment? But I’m still having a good day.. At least the coffee was nice and hot. Then I’m enjoying a great book and that counts for something. I also talked with Chocolatechip a little bit. But she had business to take care of and was gone most of the morning. All in all I’m having a good day.

6:26p.m. I read five chapters in Judges, chapters 5-9. So I got my daily Bible reading accomplished. It took me an hour. I’ve sort of been backsliding on my Bible reading. I want to get back to reading my NIV study Bible daily. I got to practice a little self discipline to achieve this goal. An hour a day isn’t too much of a sacrifice. I have all day to read my other books.

Anyways I was reading about the early Judges of the ancient Isrealites. I was particularly interested in Gideon then Abemelek Gideon was followed the Lord when he was chosen to be a judge. He came to a very peaceful and good end. But Abemelek, who was one of Gideon’s sons by a slave woman ,was  evil and corrupt.  His ending was not so good.  I was reading this and thought God will get you in the end of you do not repent and seek to have God in your life.

I read from three to four.  Then I called Chocolatschip. We talked for almost an hour. then they served dinner. I had spaghetti with meat sauce a salad and chocolate cake.  It was delicious and and I ate it all. I do not feel too bloated.

Im still my wheelchair. I had a chance to be put to bed earlier. I just didn’t feel !I!doing to bev in the middle of the afternoon. I regret it now because my butt is sore. I’m also soaked in urine. Oh well I still feel pretty good right now. I really did have a good day.

8:14p.m. I finished The Exchange. Next  up is Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. This should be an interesting read. It is about the January 6 insurrection. I can’t wait to get started.
















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February 1, 2024

Glad to hear it, Bear!