Wednesday 1/31/24

1:55p.m.  I was very sick with a bad cough yesterday. I laid ink bed all day. I felt very weak and tired. I just wanted to sleep. That was what I did when not coughing my fool head off. I feel a lot better today. I was up and at em by 5:30.  I did not go back to sleep. I’ve been reading my book The Exchange :After the Firm by John Grisham all morning. 

So I feel much better today. I’m having a good day today. I missed the Coffee Social. I felt I should just relax and take it easy. I think this did a world of good. Getting lost in a good book and just chilling out always restores my spirits. 

7:55p.m. I read almost all day today. The Exchange: After the Firm is an excellent thriller by John Grisham. I  am almost finished with it. I’d like to stay up tonight and get her done. I’m anxious to start on another book Midnight in Washington: How we Almost Lost our Democracy and Still Could by Adam Schiff. It is about the January 6 insuraction

I took a break for supper. I had country smothered chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, a dinner roll and Ambrosia. I didn’t eat the veggies. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She got a new phone from Comcast. She talked about all the trouble she had in setting it up We talked about what a pain technology is until it was time for bed.

I also started to read the Bible again. I was really letting that slide for a while. I started reading Judges and finished the first four chapters. I read for an hour. I’d like to keep my promise of reading my Bible daily for an hour. 

I had a good day today. My cough seems to be getting better. I also felt stronger. I was able to stay awake and read all day. Also, I wasn’t troubled with arthritis. The pain level was a 2 on a 1-10 scale. But the best part of the day was reading and talking to Chocolatechip. Life is good





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January 31, 2024

So glad you’re feeling better, Bear. I was a bit concerned when you didn’t post yesterday.