Monday 1/29/24

 7:35a.m. I had a typical night in the nursing home. I had terrible dreams. In one dream I was in this mall. Somehow dinasours came back to life. They were floating around the mall eating people. I was with this mad scientist who brought them back to life. He had on this device that enabled him to fly. I was hanging onto him figuring he was my only chance of escaping these creatures. 

We were flying all over the place. We flew over the parking lot looking for my car. We couldn’t find it. By now the monsters were outside the mall attacking everyone in sight. Our only chance of safety was to get back to Follansbee. But our flying machine couldn’t make it that far. The last thing I remember was flying east on I70 towards Wheeling. The aides woke me up for the day.

It was around 5:00 when they woke me up. They were not very friendly and a tad rough. But they did their job. I had my briefs changed, was dressed and in my wheelchair by 5:30.  I promptly fell asleep for an hour. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. We talked until they served drinks and breakfast.

I had a banana and two biscuits. I couldn’t eat the eggs because they were cold. At least the coffee was hot. 

9:59a.m. I’m not doing very well. My briefs are on too tight. They are cutting into my balls. It hurts like hell. As usual the aides are not helping. They took me to see an ear doctor. She put drops in my ears. She said my right ear is full of wax but me left is ok. Then she dropped me off at the Fiesta Room for the social. I had one cup. I’m thinking of going back to my room. I feel like shit.

I briefly chatted with Chocolatechip. She was doing laundry. Chocolatechip was in good spirits. She said her case manager from Healthways called. They want to set up a home visit. Chocolatechip doesn’t want anyone in her apartment but she  is going to make an appointment.

I’m going to try and read my book. It’s hard to concentrate when you’re in pain. But I’m going to give it a shot. 


















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January 29, 2024

Bear, have you ever thought of finding someone to take these dreams and turn them into full length stories (or maybe short stories of 4 – 8 pages.) They are truly imaginative and creative.