Tuesday 1/23/24

9:45a.m. I’m not doing well today. The pain is concentrated in my right arm. It is killing me. I had Tylenol with my morning  meds. That didn’t seem to help. Other than the pain I’m going through the usual routine. 

The not too friendly aides got me up at 4:00. I was in my wheelchair by 4:30. I slept in my chair until they served coffee and orange juice. The coffee wasn’t very hot. I had a skimpy breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. I called Chocolatechip. She has a visit conference with Rachel so we didn’t tie up the line. I fell back to sleep.

I slept until it was time for the Coffee Social. I almost didn’t go because I was still hurting. But I made it. I had two cups of hardly warm coffee. I’m still very sleepy and groggy. At least the caffeine seemed to help with the pain a bit.

My night wasn’t all that great either. I had weird dreams.  Again I was dreaming about the Steubenville library. I was looking at their old fashioned card catalog. Suddenly I saw my nephew Jeff when he was a young man. His girlfriend was with him. She told me Jeff was going to join the Army.

I tried to talk him out of it. Jeff was a wild one when he was younger. I knew he couldn’t take the discipline. We both tries to talk him out of it. But he was determined to join up. I do not know the outcome of our talk.

Well I am above the dirt and blessed with another day. I hope it is going to be a good one. At my age whenever you wake up in the morning is a good day

12:22p.m. I’m feeling much better. The arthritis died down after the Coffee Social. I also have some good news. I found out I owe $167 to the nursing home. The bill will be paid off by April. I also asked about the possibility of a NYT subscription. She said she will check into it. This news put me in a very good mood.    

I did a lot of reading once I’m got back to my room. I read The Firm for an hour finishing two chapters. The book is getting very interesting. I also called Chocolatechip. She finished a load of laundry. She also had that conference call with Rachel from CMP. Chocolatechip said it went well. The Schhwaans truck is supposed to come today. She plans on ordering groceries from them .

I just had lunch. They served two grilled cheese sandwiches, tater tots, a bowl of tomato soup and Mandarin oranges. I ate everything but the soup. I didn’t get too bloated     

6:14p.m. I had a hard time staying awake this afternoon. I slept in my wheelchair for at least an hour. I remember talking with Chocolateschip. The Schhwaans truck never came. She talked about Dr Phil who had a good catfish story. This time both the woman and man we’re trying to scam each other. Then I talked about how I was getting pissed. I haven’t been changed since  4:00am. 

I cut our conversation short. I went to the nurse’s station. I wanted to try and get help. I had the call light on for an hour. Finially I got some help around 5:00. I was sitting , unchanged,on a very uncomfortable hoyer pad, for thirteen hours. I was very pissed but didn’t say anything.

Supper was ok but not the greatest. I had roast pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, peas a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream. I ate the pork and ice cream. The rest was too cold to eat.

I’m going to read tonight. I’m enjoying that book The Firm by John Grisham. The story is really interesting 


I’m im.














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January 23, 2024

You have incredible dreams, and the fact that you remember them in such detail is remarkable.