Saturday 1/20/24

8:01a.m. I had a so so night thanks to two weird dreams. The first dream was about the downtown library in Steubenville. I was looking at a stack of old fashioned DVD tapes. A guy next to me said they were all cheap movies donated by street people. Then the lady at th check out desk said I owed the library $90. I didn’t have that !ind of money. I didn’t know how I was going to pay my bill. I thought of asking my mother but she didn’t have it either. I way to get as in a spot and there was no way to get out of it.

In my second dream I was dreaming about my old job at Eagle Manufacturing. They rehired me after all these years. I was talking with my old boss. He put me to work on the five gallon line. Then he wanted a !ick back so I could work overtime. I think I offered him $20 but that wasn’t enough.

I Don’t remember getting very good care last night.i think I was changed twice. First time was around 8:30. The second!time at three. Then they got me up around 4:30 I fell asleep in my wheelchair and slept until  breakfast . I had toast and cold scrambled eggs Breakfast and care were sucky.    

10:55a.m. I made it to the Coffee Social. I wasn’t doing very well.i thought I heard my name mentioned. So I had one coffee then made my way to my room. The coffee didn’t help today. I’m in a lot of pain thanks to arthritis. Pain level is a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale. Also I’m very tired. I can hardly stay awake. This is definitely not a good day.

4:39p.m. I slept most of the day. I managed to make it to the Coffee Social. I left having only one cup. I didn’t have a good time anyway. I thought I heard my name mentioned. That made me feel very uncomfortable. I was also cold and hurting from arthritis. So I wheeled myself back to my room.

I talked with Chocolatechip a little bit. But I slept most of the morning. I woke up around lunchtime. I had two chili dogs coffees and juice. After lunch I was ready for bed because the hoyer pad started to hurt. Again I fell asleep for a couple hours. I talked with Chocolatechip for a half hour.

All that rest did me some i good. Arthritis pain abated. I feel better. I’m  still FireRed but I think I will be revived after supper. I’m having pork chops. I love pork chops so supper should be good. I’m hoping I can stay awake tonight and finish that damned Dark Tower novel. I have two more chapters to go.

6:28p.m. I didn’t eat supper. I think the chili dogs ruined my appetite by making me sick. Despite not eating I feel very painfully bloated. On a 1 to 10 pain scale the pain level is a 5.  I sure could use some Mylanta but that will have to wait until my evening meds. Until then I will feel like road kill.

Arthritis is acting up again. This time it is in my right arm. Also had several muscle spasms in my left leg. What makes me mad is I can’t reach my call light. Otherwise I would ask for Tylenol. I guess I will have to wait for the nurse.

This has been a very shitty day. But I’m still above the dirt. I only hope tomorrow will be better 

































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January 20, 2024

It is rare and nice to remember the dreams in my opinion. I have not been able to remember mine lately, like I am just sleeping and waking up without any memory of my dreams. It could be my sleep pattern

January 20, 2024

@pattwashere Thanks for reading me. I wish I didn’t remember my dreams. Most are very weird nightmares


January 20, 2024

@bear70 aww yeah I forgot the nightmare part.. way back I used to have nightmares, daily – to the point where I just don’t want to sleep anymore… it suddenly stopped. I hope that yours will be continuously be just beautiful dreams moving forward 🙂

January 20, 2024

I’m so sorry your day is so rough, Bear. I hope your pain finds a way to abate.

January 20, 2024

@ravdiablo  Thanks I got a lot of rest and that helped with the arthritis. I hope your day is going well