Thursday 1/18/24

7:57a.m. Ok, I’m an asshole. Tho last night aides came to put me to bed at 8:30 last night. They were friendly and did a good job. I was tired so I fell uas!eep. I slept soundly with no weird dreams.  But I woke up early and couldn’t sleep. The aides came in aroun 4:00 go get me out of bed. I got excellent care. I was in my wheelchair by 4:30.     

I went back to sleep last and woke up in an hour. I called Chocolatechip  She was in good spirits getting ready for a doctor’s appointment. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to take morning meds. I went back to sleep until they arrived breakfast.

Breakfast was delicious. I had four slices of French toast. Then I had my coffee and orange juice. Breakfast and coffee started my engine. But I could use another cup. Anyways I’m above the dirt. 

9:21a.m. I can’t stay awake today. I fell asleep waking up in time for the Coffee Social. I’m in the Fiesta Room now waiting to for my first cup. I told them I could use a pot today. 

10:49a.m. I had two coffees at the Social. I feel somewhat better. I didn’t stay too long. I made my way back to my room. Now that I’m awake I am going to try and read my book the Dark Tower.     

5:05p.m. This was a wasted day. I slept through most of it. I remember being awake for lunch. I had three beef tacos, pasta salad, corn chowder and vanilla ice cream. It was delicious. After lunch I fell asleep. I slept for almost an hour. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. I had to cut it short because I was getting sleepy. I slept for another hour. Then I talked with Chocolatechip again for almost an hour. 

Only good part was lunch and talking to Chocolatechip 








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January 18, 2024

You’re an asshole?