Wednesday 1/17/24

7:34a.m. They say squeaky wheels get the greace. It is true because I got a lot better care last night. The aides changed my briefs twice. The first time was at 7:30 and the second time at 11:45. They let me sleep until 5:00 this morning. The aide who got me up did an excellent job. She gave me a sponge bath, changed my briefs, dressed me and got me in my wheelchair by 5:30.    

I’m glad I spoke up about my treatment. I really do not like to complain or bitch. Also, I’m not a rat. But I reached my breaking point yesterday. I felt I had to complain to someone in authority. They finally must of listened because I received a lot better care.

After I was in my wheelchair I went through my usual morning routine. I called Chocolatechip. I said I got better care. She said good. Chocolatechip went on about not taking that corispondence course from Stratford Career Institute. I said that is a good idea. I also said if anything you should get a new keyboard. Then I said I’m just offering suggestions I will never tell you what to do with your money. We talked for a few minutes then she had to get busy with housework.

I was still pretty tired. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept until they served drinks and breakfast. Breakfast was cheesy. I had a cupcake and cold scrambled eggs. The coffee and orange juice hit the spot though. Thanks to coffee I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day.

10:51a.m. I made it to the coffee social. I had one cup of coffee. Then I had PT with Adam. This was my last session. But I thanked Amy and Lynn for yesterday. I said will miss working out with them . As Adam wheeled me back to the Fiesta Room he said they can do another session in two to four months.

I am having a good morning.  The arm exercises did me a world of good along with the two cups of coffee I had. I feel restored thanks to the workout and caffeine. They want me to continue the exercised on my own. I will try and make an honest effort. But I am a lazy old fart. All I want to do is sit on my lazy butt and read my books.

Speaking of reading I haven’t done too much of it in the last couple of days. The last two, three days were pretty tumultuous, especially yesterday. I read a little bit of the Dark Tower last night. But I was too burned out to really get into it. I hope to play catch up today since I’m feeling better and getting a little better care.

12:03p.m. I wheeled myself back to my room. I stopped at the  nurse’s station. I thanked the head nurse for taking care of the problem. I told her they changed me twice last night. She was glad to hear things were better. She also said to contact her if I had anymore problems.

I called Chocolatechip. She has the number for the ombudsman. She is keeping it for the next time. We both agree there will be a next time. Chocolatechip also said it might be a good idea to talk about this on Messenger. I thought that would also be a good idea. Then at way people won’t overhear out plans. 

We also talked about that course from Stratford. Chocolatechip worked out a budget. She figured that she would squeeze in the monthly fee of $31’something. She wanted an honest opinion and I said you need a computer keyboard first.  She said she will call Walmart and check out the prices.  

They are passing out drinks and lunch trays now. I desperately need a third cup of coffee. For lunch they are serving BBQ pork sandwiches, potato wedges and cookies. I’m hungry and I’ll eat it all. 

1:28p.m. I had my lunch and did eat it all I had two BBQ pork sandwiches. They made me very bloated. I went to the nurse’s station for a dose of Mylanta. That helped a little bit but my belly still aches. It will pass in time.

I talked with Chocolatechip We talked about computer keyboards. She called Walmart. They told her they have the kind she needs. She wants to get one with a USB port. I said I think most of them come with a USB port. She wanted to know what kind to get. I said you will have to ask someone in electronics. She will make a trip to Walmart when the weather warms up. 

I went on about physical therapy. I said I will miss going there. I had a good time and they were always friendly. I said they will try to work me in within two to four months months. . In the meantime they want !eto do the arm exercises on my own . I said I don’t know if I can do that on my own . Chocolatechip was expecting a call from her pharmacy. She said she couldn’t tie up the !one. We ended our conversation.

I still have not tackled that book. Morning is just not a good time to read. I hope to start reading this afternoon. I should be able to read two chapters in the Dark Tower. Then  I can read my Bible after supper. I’ve been neglecting my Bible studies as well. This is a big no no .

4:07p.m. I’m very proud of myself. I stood on my own two feet with the help of a walker. The aides came in to change me early this afternoon.tTbey was going to put me in bed for the day but I wasn’t ready for bed. So they got a walker. It was a bit scary when I first stood up But I managed while the aides changed my briefs. I was able to sit back in my wheelchair without falling on my ass. This was a big accomplishment for me

I had a good afternoon. I finished that chapter in the Dark Tower. I have eight more chapters to go. If I read a chapter a day I should be finished with this stupid Dark Tower saga. There is a separate concordance after the last volume in this boxed set. It is written, I think,by Robin Firth.  It’s p?ains everything about the seven book Dark Tower series. It might be interesting but I am anxious to move on to something else.

I read for about an hour then called Chocolatschip. She finally made up her mind about taking that Senior Care Specialist course. She is going to do it. Chocolatechip worked out another budget. Now she said she can get a keyboard and do the course.i said that is great news. I really like to see her take those courses because she always does better. I said I was also glad you figured out a way to get a keyboard. 

We talked while she watched Dr Phil. It was about a dysfunctional family. A 45 year old man with children was living with his 70 something mother. The mother still works to support her son. By the way, the son hasn’t worked in sixteen years. We were wondering what was going to happen to him. Chocolatechip said she thought he was too far gone to be rehabilitated we talked until four then she wanted to get ready for bed.

They will be serving meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans casserole, a dinner roll and cinnamon apples for supper. I love meatloaf but I’m not . sure I would like to eat tonight. I had a big lunch and got very bloated. My stomach finally settled down so I think I will give it a rest.  

7:42p.m. I ate my supper after all. It was delicious. I’m ready to be put to bed.  I got t a typical response from an aide. She said I will be a minute. This means I’ll be put to bed sometime next week. 

 I guess things haven’t changed after all. The last time they changed me was 2:30 this afternoon. It has been more than three hours since my last change. I really need to be cleaned up down below. But God knows when I will get help. It is the same old story. 

I didn’t let this stop me from reading the Dark Tower by Stephen King. I almost finished two chapters. I came across a particularly scary chapter. It was about a vampire who made people laugh so he could suck the life from them. This vampire, Joe Collins, or Dandelo almost killed Roland Dechain. But Susanna Dean wised up to his true mature. She was able to !I’ll the vampire and save Roland.

Chocolatechip called around 7. She was watching Jeopardy. We used to watch that show when Alex Trebek was the host. She was reading off some of the clues but in failed to answer them. We talked for a half! Hour then I thought an aide was going to put me to bed.

Well, it is after 8:00. A minute has. turned into a half hour. I am wondering how long I will have to wait. I bec it will be at least two more hours. There is no such thing as justice.











































































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January 17, 2024

If there’s one thing you do today, call the director and omnbudsman and thank them for the improvement in care. True, the squeaky wheel does get the grease, but to keep from getting squeaky again, let them know you appreciated their efforts to improve things. Feedback when things are going well is as important as when they’re going wrong.

January 17, 2024

@ravdiablo  i followed your suggestion and thanked all who helped me yesterday.

January 17, 2024

@bear70 Great! This included the omnbudsman and director?

January 17, 2024

@ravdiablo She wasn’t involved. Since I talked with the director I didn’t think it necessary to call her