A Death in a Family

Hello All,

There is a reason the heading is so bleak and the song is so lively, and I am sure you will soon realise why. They say there are a few things in life that have the power to take us through the darkest or most difficult times of our lives. Divorce, marraige, buying a house and bankruptsy. I myself have had the misfortune of experiancing all of the above, however there is one that they seem to leave out and it has just as much bearing.
For some of us, weather or not we can consieve children, choose to take on the emence responsibility of owning a pet. With this committment comes pain and pleasure in it’s truest form. The thing about watching a family pet grow is the fact that they grow so fast, yet live just long enough for us to feel like they might just last for as long as us. The cruel truth is though, that we see them as such a part of our family that we forget the life span that they have.

We fall in love with them as puppies, gloat over them once they realise the reward of obediance, then lather them with attention more than we would our common man. A pets love is emence, they see their whole world as it is with us, they depend on you and I for not only their food and shelter, but for their very being. We as humans are the top of the food chain, but for some reason we see our pets (far lower and vunerable) as our equals. I know I have had many nights in the past talking to my (now long passed over) dog on my lap, gazing into its ever wanting eyes looking for him to confide and concure in what ever it was I was saying! Somehow he allways did though, without ever saying a word. I guess it’s because they never say no, and allways give you that cuddle that you need when no human ever will.

Our pets see us rise to success and fall to new lows, but they never change their oppinion of us, they never loss thier love. They will walk with us on a sunny afternoon, or on a cold windy night. They know when we are sick and stay by our side till we are well, never whinging about food or the pain in thier tummy’s. A dog is a mans (or womans) best friend because we see in them what we would like our human mates to be, unconditional. Although we may all be busy in our lives, hearing the pain and sorrow of a friend who has lost such a member of the family makes me cry.

I have too many fond memories of pets of my own, and it seems hard to not feel remorse for someone I hold so dear to not feel anguish and pain in the words they write of the one they had to let go. Schatzie was just another dog to the rest of the world, but to Tina and Jack she was their baby, from the moment they took possesion of her, to the moment they said goodbye. My heart goes out to you both and Tina, your entries made me sob with emotion for you both from the deepest reaches of my heart. Your monologue for Schatzie was beautiful and I can very well see why Jack came back to read it so many times, it was very touching love 🙁

The song is from a well known Melbourne band called “The Cat Empire” and I put it here to give you the scence of joy I believe the music delivers. I can in no way feel the loss you have personally for your girl, but I sure as hell know how the pain of loss towards a pet affects me, I am certain they are simular. So….. as I contemplate the last few sips of this expensive chardi in a cheap plastic glass I say “chin up guys”, “you gave that girl the best life a pet could ever hope to have”.

Much Love to You All, but tonight, more to you, Tina and Jack!


my kids
Luke (aka Lu) xoxoxo




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April 30, 2009

okay, this is why I know that we are friends/family. The fact that you would be sensitive and sweet enough to write this is amazing. The fact that we think of eachother and wonder how we are doing…This is so beautiful….and I actually read it without crying (all cried out) You are a beautiful human being Luke…one that is so special that I am proud to call my friend. Our friend. Last night,I took Jack through a few of your entries, showing him Tai and your camping pictures and the pictures of your house…he loved seeing all that. He was like, wow, if we lived near them or visa versa, we would hang out a lot. I said the same thing. We will meet…I can promise you for sure! We just need to get through this recession and get my cc’s paid off and I will be over there, hopefully with Jack to see you all. This is a beautiful ode to us and Schatzie…she was my baby child with Jack, she was your Niece…lol Thank you so very very much for writing this, give yourself a massive hug and kiss from me. YOU ARE THE BEST! I know that we are best friends and that we have been for 5 years+ now…you don’t have to see someone to have feelings. You are a great and loving man —

April 30, 2009

—and Jack and I truly love you! Remember, you never need an invite…you and Ani can come over at a drop of a hat..ANYTIME. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend! We love and adore you! xxxxx

May 2, 2009

This is from Jack: Luke, I wanted to thank you for your kind words, it meant a lot to us. For you to sit down and spend that time was a wonderful tribute of your friendship. I love the picture of the chardi toast – and BAck at ya mate! Jack