Closing Down This Page.
Hello to All,
This is the last entry on this page I will ever write. I have decided to close it down due to non interest, myself included. I find there are fewer and fewer things that I have to say of any interest at all, and the rifts I have formed with some are all too evedent in the lack of responce to anything I write, from many who are accociated with both.
Open diary was a way for me to heal, but it was also an amazing outlet to meet new people. My own demons are hard to cope with in my life here and soak up much of my time. I think I served a porpose to myself, and to the friends I had made, but at some stage in our lives we have to know when enough is enough.
Laurie and Bren, you two have always been close (and always will be), Morgana, you are an absolute godsend and I will at least still see you on my myspace page. I guess live has it’s turns and mine has turned for the better in a lot of ways, but failed in so many more. I’ve made promises to friends online that I can not keep, and tried to maintain the person I was, as apose to the person I have become. I am not the man I was two years ago, I have at least grown, if nothing else.
From my first page (The Real McCoy) started with the help of a great friend (Erin) Oh So Long Ago! I have started this one, and realised the value of making new mates all over the globe. I have written more than I have read, and am aware of how that effects people. I know now that it takes two to have a relationship of any kind, and NO man is an island.
We are all so different, in so many ways, yet there are things about us all that make us alike, and those things are the attributes I have seen right here on this page, the things that kept me coming back and writting. I am going to continue writting on myspace, but other than that, I think I have outstayed my welcome.
Take good care of you all, and thank you for being apart of my life.
Much Love Always,
Luke xoxoxo
thanks Luke is great being your friend and will stay in touch on my space etc. I like the changes you have made and have so much exciting stuff happening in my life I will share with you sometimes.
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*hugs and kisses*!!!! 🙂
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I’ll miss you
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**hugs*** you are such a wonderful and caring man and such a great friend. I will see you on myspace hon. much love
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I have one question – do you write for people to read, or do you write for yourself?
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Hey bello, you’re added and back in now. Can’t wait till you update! *hugs*
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