Saturday 1/6/24

5:04a.m. I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day. But I had one hell of a. Ight. I didn’t sleep and had muscle spasms. Then I was lying in urine and feces all night because I couldn’t get help. Then I was in a very uncomfortable position with my head resting against the bed railing. They finally got me up at 4:00. It was way too early but I was glad to get out of bed.

The aide who assisted me did a good job. She cleaned me up, put cream on my sores, got me dressed and into my wheelchair. I usually fall back to sleep. I’m afraid I drank too much coffee yesterday. I feel wired and tired. Trust me,this is not a good combination.

7:49a.m. I talked with Chocolatechip this  morning. She had a bad night as well thanks to muscle spasms and restless legs. Her joints were stiff and sore from walking around Walmart.  But she seemed in good spirits. Chocolatechip talked about the stuff she bought . They gave her a $116 gift card for that mixer she returned. She spent $90 of it on taxable.Plus he she bought grocery item as well. She also bought that Bible

But the Walmart experience wasn’t pleasant. It was a madhouse and she had to walk all over the place. Also they she was out late and Chocolatechip doesn’t like shopping late. Next trip she is going to get a new keyboard for the computer. This way she can order her stuff online. I said I think that would be a lot easier. We talked for awhile then she had to take her morning meds.

I finally fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept for over an hour. I got up in time for my drinks and breakfast. I had a banana muffin and cold scrambled eggs. The muffin was good but I could barely eat the eggs. The coffee and orange juice hit the spot. I feel a bit more awake now.

9:17a.m. I wheeled myself to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I probably drink too much coffee but I it so. I will be needing an extra caffeine jolt after the night I had. I can’t wait for my second cup.. I hope to have at least two while I’m here. I hope to read and stay for lunch. 

10:27a.m. I’m back in my room already. I was freezing down there. I had one cup of coffee. They started exercises so I wheeled myself back to my rooo. In called Chocolatschip. We talked about different movies. Her favorite is Coal Miner’s Daughter. It is a bio of Loretta Lynn starring Cissy Spacek and Tommy Lee Jones. It is a great movie and her favorite. We only watched it a million times and know every line. I always enjoy talking to her. We talked for about a hour. 

I feel like I’m awake now. Actually, I’m doing fairly well. Arthritis is bothering me a bit in my hands and right shoulder. Pain level is  three ln a one to ten scale. Also he Hoyer pad is not bothering me at least not yet.  That doesn’t bother me until after lunch.

Since I’m awake and not hurting I want to  make good use of my time. I want to read my book The Dark Tower by Stephen King. I hope to get an hours worth of reading in before lunch.

2:18p.m. I had two cheeseburgers, a bowl of rice fries and peaches for lunch. It was pretty good. I waited for the aides to put me in bed and change me. I only had to wait an hour today. Still, that’s a long time to be sitting in poop and urine. I’m glad to be in dry briefs and off that pad. I’ve been sitting on it for eight hours.

I never did start reading the Dark Tower. I talked with Chocolatechip before lunch. She went over her budget. Then I began listening to an audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I just started it to kill time before lunch. But it seems very interesting so this might be next on the reading list

Anyways I ate my lunch and I’m in bed.   Chocolatechip is watching a movie, Mermaids. This is another great movie starring Cher. I watched it with her a few times and it was enjoyable. She will be busy with that so I’m going to read my book. I hope to read the Dark Tower for a couple hours.

6:22,p.m. I couldn’t eat supper. They served two slices of ham  potatoes and carrots I ate the ham but got very bloated. So I’m not doing very well for a number of reasons. Namely I’ve been laughing ying in urine and feces for two hours. Asshole of an aide said he would do it but never did. I can’t get help now because they are taking care of dinner trays

I will be lucky if I get help at all tonight. I’m pretty pissed off right now. Yes these aides have a very hard and thankless job. But why is it I have to lay in piss and shit half the day? The main excuse is they can’t get any help.Try offering them a higher pay rate or other incentives. That might attract people to this place.

I didn’t do much reading. I got very sleepy this afternoon. I slept for a couple of hours. In fact I had such a shitty night I was tired and sleepy all day. I’ll probably skip my Bible study tonight. All I want to do is get my briefs changed and sleep





















































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January 6, 2024

I like a good cup of Joe in the morning, and sometimes in the afternoon. I’ve been mixing old coffee, cocoa, sugar and milk, and heating it up on the stove to serve to my son and daughter, who are both adults, but seem to love that kind of stuff.

January 6, 2024

@ravdiablo  I love coffee.I can drink it all day long. It seems to help with the arthritis.

January 6, 2024

I have restless legs sometimes and it’s just awful.  It’s impossible to sleep with it.  Do you know if she is on Lyrica?  If not she should ask her doctor about it…it works wonders for me.

I love the movie Coal Miner’s Daughter.  I also enjoyed reading the book.

I hope the rest of your Saturday has been good and that you have a better night tonight.