Friday 1/5/24

4:21a.m. I had some weird dreams last night. One of  them involved me dressed in drag. I was driving a car in Weirton. I was speeding down this one street driving erratically. I heard police sirens but I evaded the cops. I continued driving but somehow I ended up in this place where I had to pay a ten dollar fine at this drive through. I didn’t have the money. They let me go when I promised to pay tomorrow. This dream was very strange and all mixed up.

Other than this weird dream I had a good night. I read four  chapters in Deuteronomy.  I wanted to read more but the battery was running low. I was also falling asleep. I received good care. Aides came in twice to change me. They got me up at 4:00. I got a nice sponge bath. They changed my briefs, dressed me and got me in my wheelchair. Only problem 4:00 was way too early.

I feel fairly good this morning. So far I’m not experiencing arthritis pain. I feel fairly with it. I could use a cup of coffee but that will have to wait. I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day. Life is good.

7:21a.m. Well, I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept for a couple of hours.  I woke up when I got my coffee and orange juice. Chocolatechip called. Yesterday a woman above her caused water to leak into her bathroom. The flooring was messed up. Chocolatechip was taking pictures of her bathroom floor. She is going to show it to Stacy and out in a work order. I said your apartment is jinxed.

We talked for a few minutes. Daughter Theresa Is  taking her to Walmart late this afternoon. She wants to return that mixer and get a few groceries Chocolatechip also said she is going to hold off getting that keyboard.  Walmart will be a madhouse today. She wants to keep it simple.

i just ate my favorite breakfast of pancakes and sausage. It was delicious. Now I feel awake and raring to go.

10:15a.m. I keep falling asleep. I slept after I ate breakfast. I woke up when Lynn from PT stopped by. She took me to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I’m still half asleep even after a second cup. I tried to read while here but am too damned tired. I have PT after lunch. If it wasn’t for that I’d have them put me back in bed.

I had two cups at the Social. That makes three cups so far this morning. I still can’t get awake. I feel like I jus t got off a double at Eagle Manufacturing. I’m so damned sleepy and I smell of poop as well.

11:07a.m. I wheeled myself back to my room. I wasn’t having a good time. I also didn’t want to stay smelling like poop. I called Chocolatechip. We talked about the movie Elvis and Me. It was about Elvis and Priscilla Presley. According to the movie he was a real controll freak. Then I talked about the time I tried to hitchhike to San Francisco. I made it as far as Denver, Colorado. I said I’ve done some very stupid things in my life. God must of been looking out for me because I never came to any real harm.

Chocolatechip was also talking about a local news story. Weirton Steal’s Tin Mill is being closed. Three hundred jobs will be lost. At one point back in the 70s the Mill employed 15,000 people. Now I think it will be down to 600. I bet it will completely close before too long. When it does it will be a very sad day in Weirton. 

I’m feeling somewhat better. But I need changed. It is useless to turn on the call light. Aides will be serving lunch trays soon. I will not get my briefs changed until late in the afternoon. So I will be sitting in urine and poop all that time. 

2:00p.m. I’m awake after four coffees and a hearty lunch. I had macaroni and cheese, broccoli, a dinner roll and a fruit cup for dessert. It was pretty good and I ate it all. Lynn from PT took me to the gym after I ate. I had about an hour long work out. She said I did ok today. I said I enjoyed the workout and had a good time. I’m back in my room now. 

I hope to do some reading this afternoon. I want to read The Dark Tower for a couple hours. I tried reading in the Fiesta Room but was too damned tired. I’m awake now. After talking with Chocolateschip, who went to Bible study, I will read my book.

4:30p.m. I am in bed now. The aides came at 2:30. She did a good job. I called Chocolatechip. We talked for a long time. Then I read The Dark Tower for an hour. I’m feeling good and having a great time reading my book. I was going to talk with Chocolatechip but she went out with Theresa to get groceries . I’m guess I can read my book until supper.

6:11p.m. I had glazed meatloaf, potatoes, mixed veggies, a dinner, strawberry cheesecake for supper. It was out of this world delicious. I ate everything. Chocolatechip called while I was eating. She was still at Walmart. She bought a Bible. I said that is a great investment. I just called her. She isn’t home yet.

I’m going to read The Dark Tower for an hour then do my nightly Bible study

8:43p.m. I read Chapters 7 through 11 in Deuteronomy. It took me about an hour. I also read The Dark Tower for an hour. I’m pleased with myself because I’m keeping up with my Bible studies. I just wish I could remember what I read.


















































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January 5, 2024

I would love to hear about your attempt to hitchhike to San Francisco. Would you mind writing about it? It sounds like a great story, and it would help us to get to know more about you.

January 5, 2024

@ravdiablo  it really isn’t much of a story. I was on the road for about a month.  Going through Missouri was the worst. I had a hard time getting rides and people were so mean. Once I got to Denver I chickened out. Travelers Aide helped me get a bus pass home




January 5, 2024

@bear70 How old were you when you did this? Did any interesting characters pick you up? I’d like to hear more about it; I’ve never had the guts to hitchhike in the US.

January 5, 2024

@ravdiablo I was in my early 20s Nothing much happened except I was hungry a lot and smelly for lack of showering

January 6, 2024

@bear70 And why were you interested in heading out to San Francisco? Were you a Deadhead back then?