Gifts, Kisses, And Looking Ahead

Serena and I exchanged Christmas gifts on Friday night. We had been planning that sort of thing for weeks and we decided that this past Friday night was going to be our time to do just that.  I got her a desk clock and a video game. She gifted me a personalized Funko Pop! figurine in my likeness, or at least as close as she could get it. She really went all out, and I thanked her for her thoughtfulness and her efforts.  I decided to gift her a clock because of her inability to be timely. I thought it was fitting and thankfully, she wasn’t offended by it. She knew exactly the thought and motivation behind it.  The clock itself featured the black cat “JiJi”, as featured in the award-winning, 1989 anime feature “KiKi’s Delivery Service”.  I know that this is one of her favorite, if not her definitive favorite, anime film and I thought it only appropriate to commemorate this in the form of the first Christmas gift I would ever give her.  The video game was the PS4 version of Hogwarts Legacy.  I also knew that she was a big fan of the Harry Potter universe, so getting her this game seemed like a foregone conclusion.      

After we exchanged gifts, we proceeded to make out for two hours. It’s amazing to see how we have made making out such a hallmark of our relationship and suffice to say that we do it so well. I like how we are so very much in sync.  Kissing Serena feels so natural and I always enjoy every minute that we are engaged in such an intimate connection.  She is an amazing kisser and I tell her this all the time.  She doesn’t believe me, but that doesn’t stop me from telling her this as often as I do.    

I typically don’t care much for the holiday season, but this year, Serena made it so much more tolerable. She kept me in the spirit when I would have given up otherwise. Serena can be quite the motivator at times and she is really good at keeping my spirits high and for getting me out of my comfort zone. 

We had an office party this past Thursday, that was held at a local area bowling alley.  Weeks ago, as soon as I heard that this was being scheduled, I couldn’t stop thinking about the different excuses I could give to get out of going.  This is one example of what I consider to be “forced socialization”, something that an introvert like me can do without.  Maybe I had made the mistake of telling Serena that I had no interest in attending and she tried to best to convince me that I needed to be there.  I knew that she would have wanted me to go, because I know that if she was making plans to not be there herself, I probably would have done everything in my power to convince her to go.  The reality is quite simple really.  She wanted me to go, not because she wanted to see me bowl.  Truth be told, I am a terrible bowler.  She just wanted me to be there so that we would both be there physically, so that we could be in the same space at the same time.  We were going to be “together” and just as I had told her before, as long as we are in the same space at the same time, I would be more than content.  She remembered me telling her this because deep down, she also felt the same way.  We didn’t interact much because of the sheer number of people there, but whenever I could, I would sneak in a quick glance of her here and there.  I could hear her voice, her laughs, and just how happy she was as she bowled.  It made me feel good inside, though I had also wished that we could have spent more time together while we were there. 

I bowled terribly, though this did not surprise me one bit.  I hadn’t bowled for many years.  My performance and score showed, but again, I wasn’t there for me.  I was there for Serena. 

I look forward to the new year, though I’ll also admit that I am looking forward to what 2024 has in store for me and Serena.  She has been the brightest spot of my 2023 and I am not afraid or ashamed to admit that.      

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