Okay soo

My son finally got his phone from his nanny.

I am excited, i really am but why on earth did he give it to him a week before xmas?

Well, i know that answer,  actually.

And it probably had a lot to do with me yelling at him for always making promises and rarely ever following through.

He did it, so he could have the card, so to speak, in his hand.

Only, its not. We don’t try to buy his affection.

So, i am happy in that they actually came through for him.

But he never should have had to wait this long.

Anyway, i do miss whatshisface, but like i said, a 30 plus year friendship i valued much more than he did, i guess.

I’m only still upset w myself because i knew it would end, and i called it and it happened just as i thought it would.

I have additional healing to do.

So, Friday… I’m still really debating on going. If he doesn’t show, they’ll put a warrant out for him. But a zero dollar balance?

All he has to do is find another dr who will sign paperwork stating he’s unable to work. I still think his gf at the time did it, and now that they arent together anymore,  he can’t get another.

If he can, he should be on ssdi, and my girl is entitled to it. Or ge will show up w a note and excuse to continue not paying.

Just put him on work release already. Friggin deadbeat!!

On another note, Shes going to school,  tomorrow.

Fever free, finally.  Poor pumpkin slept all day yesterday w a fever. Today she barely ate much, and didn’t get out of bed except to bathroom and shower.

She fell asleep in ten minutes when i said it was time for bed.

But tomorrow,  she will go. Then she will have one full day, and then a half day and then she’s off until jan 2nd

My son has a full day and will come to me til xmas. Then come back sometime after until the 1st.



As for our snow days, it IS weird now, after the covid shut down,  theres no more actual “snow days” like i had when i was a kid.

We stay home, but at her age, she has to do work from a pamphlet and hand it in the following day, so it still counts as a working school day. The Older kids do virtual learning on their computers so the only true difference is they don’t get up and go anywhere. They just sign in at home, do the work and it counts as a full, regular day. In my area, there’s two different elevations. So, it could be a blizzard 10 minutes away, but nothing but rain in town where two of the 3 schools are.

Today it snowed up where my son and mom live, but here we got nothing on the ground.

Anyway, i had all these plans to bake and wrap my gifts and get hustling to get a few things at the store, but i mainly i just read a book, I’ve read already and kept an eye on my girl w her fever.

Memoirs of a Geisha.

I had it on kindle like a zillion years ago but I’m also a speed reader, so if i reread anything i reabsorb it. I found it for ten cents at a used goods store, so i couldn’t pass it up.

So, Tomorrow I’m meeting a guy to sell him a shop vac that i sold on fbmp.

I got a few orders today, shipping all but one out.

After i drop her at school, i will drop the package off, run to the store, hopefully get some gifts wrapped.

We shall see

Roommate went back to work w that idiot.

Its…. whatever.

I need to make an appointment for my eyes and go to the dr w my unbearable aches. I bet its arthritis, along w my plantar fasciitis.  Im gonna have to get the surgery,  but i live in fear.

My eyeglass place, its frustrating because i can’t find anything locally.

I’ll try again tomorrow.

I swear i am the biggest slacker i know.

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December 21, 2023

One of the hardest things about the breakdown of my marriage was staring at this person that I had valued as my best friend for 20 years was now suddenly a stranger who hated me and just wanted to hurt me.

Also, you’re not a slacker. Our value is not wrapped up in our productiveness – that’s a very corporate lie. If you are doing the best that you can in that moment, then you are doing the most.