Monday 12/18/23

7:53a.m. I’mi doing much better. I was very upset last night. Thanks to a good sleep I am back to my old self. I did have a nasty aide who got me up at 3:45 this morning. She was not very gentle when she changed my briefs. I guess that is par for the course in the nursing home. 

Although I was slept good I was still very tired. I slept in my wheelchair for a long time. I woke up around 6:30 when Chocolatechip called. She was in good spirits today. Chocolatechip was texting her daughter Anne.  Anne is going to get a big plate of cookies this year We talked for a long time. Then Chocolatechip had to get ready for her doctor’s appointment.

They served coffee and breakfast. Breakfast was ok. I ate eggs, two biscuits and oatmeal cereal. The coffee was nice and hot. There is something about caffeine that makes me feel good all over. And I do feel good with very minor arthritis pain. On a 1-10 scale the pain is a 2.

 I read a couple chapters from Exodus. I was reading about how the Israelites began making their Tabernacle and the Arc of the Covenant I think I read two chapters. I wanted to read more but the tablet needed a change. Reading just a little bit from the Bible calmed me a little bit and put me in a better mood.

I’m going to have a better day today. I’m not letting anything bother me I’m going concentrate on my book Song of Susanna. I also want to finish reading Exodus and start on Leviticus. Reading and books have always been my therapy and best friends. 

9:58a.m. I’m in the Fiesta Room drinking my second cup coffee. They also served homemade chocolate chip cookies. They werek ok but not as good as Chocolatechip’s cookies.  She makes the best homemade cookies in the world. Still. The coffee and the snacks cheered me up some. I was getting depressed but it passed.

I’m staying here for lunch. I like being in the Fiesta Room. It is bright, cheerful and the staff is friendly. Besides they almost always gve me plenty of coffee. BTW, they are serving sweet and sour meatballs for lunch. This sounds delicious and is making me hungry just thinking about it. 

11:26a.m. I finished my Bible studies for the day. I read the last two chapters of Exodus and the first four chapters of Leviticus. I’m still in the Fiesta Room waiting for lunch. Arthritis pain is down to a 1 so I’m having a very good day for a change. It sure is a relief to be pain free.n

2:08p.m. Lunch was a big disappointment. They served beef macaroni instead. I didn’t eat it I wasn’t hungry anyways. I was painfully bloated from eating too many cookies. So I pushed away my plate and made my way back to my room. Then my troubles really began.

My briefs were fastened too tight. They started to rub against my bottom and it hurt like hell. This went on for an hour or so. I couldn’t get any help because the aides were taking care of lunch trays.It was the same thing damned story. I can’t get any help because the aides are too busy. I was in J. pain and I really needed help this time.But no aides came until 1:30.  

I hadn’t very nice aide. She was friendly and gentle. She got me in bed, undressed me ,cleaned me and changed my briefs She wasn’t good one. So I’m now in bed and feeling much better. Thank God! 

I chatted with Chocolatechip while waiting for an aide. One thing we talked about was Chocolatechip’s quarrel with her sister Elaine over meds. I wasn’t much help because of my pain. In fact our chat was brief because I finally got help.

6:02p.m. I didn’t like supper. They served Salisbury steak and cold scalloped potatoes. All I could eat was the steak. I talked with Chocolatechip while I ate. I’m afraid there is going to be a shit show with her sister Elaine over this new med. I don’t want to go into details about it. I said you don’t need this drama during Christmas. She agreed with that. She was pretty tired so she went to bed early.

I haven’t been able to get into the last two Dark Tower novels. I think I’m getting burned out with them. Then I’ve been going through a lot of pain that sucked away my energy. I haven’t felt like reading. I want to finish these novels. I paid a lot of money for a boxed set. I hate paying for books and not finishing them. I’ll try to read Song of Susanna tonight. I’ll finish those novels if it is the last thing I do.

Today was a good day  the most part. I was free from arthritis pain and that made it good. I waset also in a lot better mood than yesterday. I had a nasty moment after lunch. But I was ok after they changed me and put me to bed. Also, miracle of miracles ,I needed changed again and I didn’t have long to wait. I had a good aide this afternoon. Life is good










































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