Tears all day.

Like, if i didn’t know any better, id think i was pregnant w all the damn crying I’ve done today.

I’m not. Just so we’re very clear. Oh but J would be the dad. Its been 3 months. Whatever. I deleted him. Hes not worth my energy anymore.

The roommate only got 200, and a hundred went to his friend for the cell phone bill.

The other was just… gone on random things we needed.

Today, i picked up tft. I cried in line because i couldn’t believe i had to get to this point and saw that people dressed better than myself, were there. All w shiny new cars annnnd yes i am judging. One lady had brand new everything from head to toe.

Like she just peeled the stickers off her clothing,  brand new. Idk.

Anyway, a huge leaf size garbage bag, filled

I was only thinking one or two toys, not what we ended up with.

I know some of it just won’t float w my kids. My girl doesn’t like barbie or dolls, my son isn’t into sports, but he may be into a basketball but we have 4 outside. He would like monopoly buuuut, we have 3.

So its the first time i did it. And hopefully i won’t do it next year, but mainly because the cut off is 14.

He will be 15, by then.

Anyway, so i cried at that. Then we went to the mall. He had a friend stay over, then we picked up another friend and it was my turn to take them so i agreed last week to do it.

Next time its on someone else.

So, dropped them at the mall and then my girl and i went in. She wanted to see santa. I wasn’t sure if she had to pay for that.

We played at the free indoor park and santa was there. She didn’t see him until some other kid mentioned seeing him.

I was counting on the immediate deposit from ebay but it didn’t make it for whatever reason and then the bank took 10 bucks so now I’m negative 6.

But that was just for pics w santa… so she did talk w him to double check if she was on the good list.

Then next door was the pet store and all the puppies were in pens so they could play. The owner let us in a private room and we played w 7 puppies. That killed some time. I picked my son and friends up, dropped them off and then my son tells me they all pooled their money together so they all had enough to pay for one of his besties to go who didn’t have the money. I scraped my bank dry so he could go and i thought $30 wasn’t enough.

They shared food and drinks and got unlimited popcorn and even brought some for my girl.


That was the sweetest thing i ever heard my kid doing with his friends,  so i cried again. I’m So proud of them.



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