Saturday 12/16/23

7:47a.m. I had good night for a change. The aides changed my briefs at least twice. They got me up at 4:45 this morning. She cleaned me pretty got and got me dressed and into my wheelchair. I slept in my chair for about an hour. Then I called Chocolatechip. We talked briefly then she wanted to start cleaning. I went back to sleep and slept until breakfast. I had a banana cup cake and cold scrambled eggs The coffee was nice and hot. It revived my spirits a bit.

The arthritis is not too bad this morning. I have some pain in my shoulders and left feet. On a 1-10 scale the pain level is a 3. I can live with this. So I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day in the nursing home.

11:50a.m. I made it to the Coffee Social. I had one cup and left. Arthrits kicked in when I got back to my room. Dealing with constant pain sure makes me tired. I slept most of the morning. I am still hurting. Pain level went up to a 4

Aide just said they will keep me up until after lunch. I hope lunch will restore my spiri3ts. They are set ing cucumber salad, cheeseburger, fries and sliced peaches for dessert. I love good cheeseburger. I hope a good meal and hot coffee will restore my body. I would like to do some reading this afternoon.

3:39p.m. I had a hell of an aide this afternoon. She put me in bed at 1:30 and left. She didn’t undress me or change my briefs.  I was left without oxygen and lying in urine for a half hour. Altogether it was two hours before I was undressed and changed. I was extremely upset and pissed off. I kept yelling for help and was ignored. Then they yelled at me for raising my voice. I swear, this aide was the worse I had in a long time.

Today was a bad day. I suffered from arthritis all morning. Then I get a shitty aide that doesn’t finish her job. Needles to say I didn’t do any reading. I cannot concentrate while laying in urine and feces for two hours.

I was telling all of this to Chocolatechip on Messenger. She was having her own problems today. It was an accumulation of a lot of things since Thanksgiving. I think the tip of the iceberg came during the Christmas party and a phone conversation with her sister Elaine. She was depressed saying she doesn’t have any Christmas spirit left. Then she watched Unfaithful which is a very depressing movie.

I’m kind of in misery right now. I was defusing over the battle with the aides. I was dry for a little while then I had three or four incontinence episodes. I’m soaked again. It is useless to ring the call light. I will not get help until after supper. I get so friggin frustrated dealing with incontinence and arthritis.

6:08p.m. I had ham, carrots, potatoes, a dinner roll and two chocolate chip cookies for supper. Supper was delicious. All that good food put me in a better mood. Best part was I ate it all and didn’t get sick or bloated. Supper and talking with Chocolatechip was the best part of my day. 

I think I will be in a good place to read tonight. I haven’t been reading much thanks to severe arthritis pain. I want to read Song of Susanna tonight. I’m not sick so maybe I can read at least until nine. I’ll pick up on my Bible reading Sunday. I hope I can feel good enough to do both.

Life is always good. Even bad days are good. Who knows? Tomorrow just might be a better day. 

8:19p.m. I read for ninety minutes while laying in urine and feces. An aide came in about an hour ago.She said give me five minutes and I’ll be back. She never came back. It doesn’t do any good to turn on the call light. The so called aides turn it off and walk on down the hall. I just said to Chocolatechip they will come when they come. 

At least I did some reading in Song of Susanna . I had a good time with my book. Even if I am lying in urine and feces reading kept me from having a major meltdown. Now I hope I get changed sometime before morning































































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December 16, 2023

Enjoy this day. I wonder why they can’t have a regular schedule for keeping you clean and dry.

December 16, 2023

@ravdiablo Thanks I hope you have a good weekend