Friday 12/15/23

12:42p.m. I had a lousy morning thanks to arthritis pain. I’d rate the pain a . on a week a1-10 scale. It was centered on my shoulders, wrists and legs. Pain made me feel exhausted. I was too tired for the Coffee Social.i slept on and off all morning.. Nurse gave me some Tylenol but it didn’t help. Sleep helped. At least I didn’t feel the pain while sleeping

Usually coffee and breakfast make  me feel better. Coffee was weak and not very hot.  Breakfast was good . I got my all time favorite meal sausage and pancakes!es. But breakfast and coffee didn’t help today. I was still very sore and very tired. I went back to sleep after I ate.

I was telling Chocolatechip today I do not know which is worse, gall bladder pain or arthritis. I had gallstones and that was pain. But arthritis is never ending pain  Gallstones can be eliminated by a gall bladder operation. Arthritis is constant eliminated only by more meds or major surgery. After enduring both I think arthritis is worse because it is all over my body.

I’m feeling a bit better now. Lunch and coffee somewhat restored my spirits. I have had two chicken sandwiches and a dish of grapes. Then they gave me two strong and hot coffees. The coffee made me feel good all over

My morning was hell but I think the test of the day will better I’m not in as much pain and that’s a good thing. I’m above the dirt and I hope I can get my reading done. At least I’d like to read a few chapters in Exodus.

4:54p.m. They put me in bed and changed my briefs at 1:30. It felt good getting off the Hoyer pad. Except for a few muscle spasms I was not bothered with arthritis pain. I read seven chapters in my NIV Study Bible. I also talked with Chocolatechip after she got back from the Christmas. She had a good time. I had a good time reading. Life is good. 

8:36p.m. I had meatloaf for supper. it was Delicious. But it made me very bloated and sick. It also made me constipated. I fell asleep after I ate. The nurse woke  me up with my evenings meds and Mylanta which helped with the bloatedness. So that’s how my evening is going.









































































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