Sunday 12/10/23

10:25a.m. I feel like shit this morning thanks to arthritis. Today it is concentrated in my left foot and right shoulder. On a pain scale of 1-10 I’d rate it a five. I had Tylenol with my morning meds but that doesn’t help. I need something stronger like good ole Ibuprofen. Other than the pain I’m having a typical morning in the nursing home.

The aides got me up at five this morning. Again they were not too gentle or friendly. They hurt my bad leg when they dressed and changed me. But they did their job and got me in my wheelchair. Again I was hurting pretty bad but I !managed to sleep in my chair until breakfast and coffee.

They served pineapple coffee cake, bacon and scrambled eggs. As usual the eggs were cold but I ate everything. The coffee wasn’t so hot either. It didn’t do a thing for me today. I went back to sleep after I ate. I slept until ot was time for the Coffee Social. At least I made it to the social today.

I had my cup of coffee and I’m feeling a bit better. I also chatted with Chococolatechip on Messenger. Chocolatechip was in good spirits. She did her housework and washer her bedding. We talked about how she saw a drug deal go down in the lobby on first floor. I said that place has gone down the tubes since I left. Chocolatechip said there are nothing but wheelers and dealers in the building now.  She also said they will be weeded out so let them do their thing.

We chatted for a long time about different subjects. We talked about the times we stayed at the Baymont hotel. I said we had a lot of good times together that I will never forget such as the trip to the Pittsburgh zoo. We have been friends since 2003 and a couple going on seventeen years. I also said you were the best thing that ever happened to me. It was fun talking about the “old” days

I’m still on the Fiesta Room. I’m feeling better thanks to coffee. But I could use another cup. That will not happen until lunch. I think I’ll stay here and eat lunch. I don’t feel like pushing myself back to my room.

11:52a.m. I’m back in my room after all and just in time I had an accident and I hate doing that in public. I need changed now but will not get help until well after? lunch. Now I have to sit in urine for two to three hours.This sucks big time.

3:31p.m. I had a delicious lunch. They served pot roast, green beans, oven baked potatoes, a dinner r by ill oll and carrot cake. I ate it all. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. I still needed changed and was pretty miserable despite it the good meal. So I bitch about the aides. I complained about this one asshole. He always turns out my call light and says he will be right back. But he never comes back. I’m left sitting in urine and feces. 

Eventually I was changed.  I had to wait a couple hours. The aide who did come to help did an excellent job. I got a shower and a shave. Then she put me back on bed. I was so very grateful for her help. I’ve been sitting on that Hoyer pad for over ten hours. It felt so good to be off it and back in bed

Once I was dry I concentrated on my book Wolves of the Calla. I just finished it. Now I have two more to go in the Dark Tower saga. I don’t know if I want to continue with the series or read something else. After all this effort I’d like to find out how this all ends. But at the same time I want to read the John Grisham novels I bought. Decisions decisions! I think my next read will be Song of Susanna, the sixth volume in this e. I just can’t stop in the middle

6:24p.m. I read Song of Susanna . I didn’t get very far. I fell asleep. Then Chocolatechip called. We talked until they served supper. I had two pepperoni rolls, coleslaw and a cup of fruit for dessert. I ate it all and now I’m very bloated. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. We didn’t talk too long because she was very sleepy. We said our goodbyes for the night.

I hope I can read Song of Susanna tonight. I want to at least get in the first chapter. I read the first few pages already and I’m hooked.Stephen King has a way of grabbing you by the balls in the first chapter of his books. I’m glad I decided to stick with the Dark Tower saga. There really wasn’t any question. So it is back to my book.

7:59p.m. I did some reading in Song of Susanna. I didn’t finish the first chapter though. The battery in my tablet is running low. For that matter my battery is low. I’m about ready to call it a night. So good night?




















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December 10, 2023

I’m glad you have ChocolateChip in your life; I hope she’ll be able to visit you real soon.