Saturday 12/9/23

7:08p.m. I was so depressed last night. It was a combination of a lot of things that brought on this lates bout. Chronic pain is the main culprit. Then Chocolatechip cancelling her visit Monday didn’t help. I was looking forward to seeing her. I thought about being alone on the Holidays also made me depressed. 

But I fell asleep when this was coming on. I would of had a good night except for muscle spasms. They woke me up a few times. Also I had weird dreams. I had this one dream where I was s biker. I was riding my Harley in the country going up one hill then down another. It was !ind of a cool dream. But the aides woke me up from it at five.

They were on the rough side this morning. One aide rolled me over. She touched my bad leg causing a lot of pain. It also hurt while they were dressing me. They were not too friendly either. But they did their job and I’m in my wheelchair.

I slept in my wheelchair until they served breakfast. Breakfast was skimpy consisting of two pieces of toast and scrambled eggs. I ate it all and didn’t get sick or bloated.

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She is definitely going to cancel Monday’s visit. I said I understood. She apologized saying she made a lot of unfulfilled promises this month. I said you had a lot on your plate plus a lot of extra expenses. Chocolatechip then said she will try to get a gift card next month. I said only if you can afford one. We talked about a few other things as well then she wanted to start her day. 

12:24p.m. I didn’t make it to the Coffee Social. I was too tired. I chilled out and slept most of the morning. I’ve been doing a lot of sleeping lately.  Sleep is good for arthritis. 

I just ate a delicious lunch. They served country buttermilk chicken, green beans, rice and glazed pears for dessert. I ate it all and didn’t get sick or bloated. I cannot complain about the food in this nursing home. Except when they served ham and pinto beans. 

Besides sleeping I talked with Chocolateschip.We talked for an hour. She got an order delivered from Walmart thanks to her sister Kathleen. It consisted mostly of cleaning products. I said I think it is great your family is helping. Then she mentioned Bible study Friday. She was able to attend. We talked about that for a while and what they preached. I talked about my NIV Study Bible. I said I think that Bible is awesome because it explains everything you need to know. We talked about a lot of different subjects. We had a nice talk until they served lunch.

I am having a good day so far. Arthritis is not acting up so that is a relief. I’m not having tool many incontinence episodes either. That is another good thing. Then I had a delicious lunch. Lunch and coffee perked me up. I hope I can stay awake and read Wolves of the Calla. I would like to finish that book today. I’d also like to finish reading Genesis.

4:09p.m. I was on the verge of a meltdown this afternoon. I was trying to get changed since lunchtime. Aide kept saying he would be right back. I waited and waited but he never did change my briefs or put me to bed. I had the call light on twice and they would turn it off and walk down the hall. I had to call the front desk and go to the nurse’s Station to complain. Then I got some help.

It wasn’t until 3:15 that I got changed and put to bed. I was getting very upset. If it were not for the lousy care here this nursing home wouldn’t be a bad place. Some of the CNA’s here do a fantastic job. But a lot of them don’t seem to give a good shit. The one I had early the afternoon sure as hell didn’t care. 

But I’m in bed now and feeling much better. The aides who did help me did a fantastic job. They cleaned me up good then put lotion on my butt and thigh. I feel much better thanks to them.

Consequently I didn’t do any reading this afternoon. Lying in urine and feces does not put one in the mood for reading. I hope to get to my book Wolves of the Calla sometime today. I have two more chapters and then I’m finished with it. And I do want to finish that book but it has been so hard to concentrate because chronic pain. 

6:26p.m. They served pork chops, potatoes, mixed vegetables, and chocolate pudding. I ate it all and got a bit bloated. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She went on about different people in Misery Towers I swear most of the women in that place are miserable bitches. There is one group that like to give Chocolatechip a very hard time. That’s why I call these ladies the Bitch Clique. Hell, they call themselves bitches. Anyways we talked about them for about twenty minutes. Chocolatechip just needed to vent.

 I still didn’t tackle my book. Maybe I’m getting burned out with Stephen King. Maybe I just don’t want to finish the Dark Tower series because I enjoyed those books so much. I dunno. The last seven books I read were by King. Maybe I need to read a different author or something. All I know is I’m stuck on the last two chapters.

Well the day is coming to an end. For the most part it was a good. Only bad part was when I couldn’t get changed. Still I hope tomorrow will be better. 

8:49p.m. I have one more chapter in Wolves of the Çalla. 



























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December 9, 2023

You confused me with the Monday title…today is Saturday :-). So, happy Saturday.  I am so so sorry Chocolatechip cancelled her visit.  I know how much you were looking forward to that.

I’m sorry you have been feeling depressed.  Depression is so hard to get through…especially when you are in constant pain.  I hope your day gets better.

December 9, 2023

@happyathome thanks for telling me about my mistake. I’m  doing ok today. I hope you have a good day

December 10, 2023

The dishes you describe sound really good;  I haven’t had buttermilk chicken in so long!

It’s probably a good idea to take a break from an author after reading so much of their work. Is there another author who you like?

December 10, 2023

@ravdiablo I was reading the Dark Tower novels,seven inal