dreaming the past

I was logging onto this online surveillance program which could track the whereabouts of whoever is on your "buddy list" provided they were in a public place.
I saw in this small video window the most beautiful curly blond hair as she was swimming in the water. "This must be in the recreation center" I thought to myself. I watched for a bit and then went over to the pool myself. It took a while but eventually she noticed me and she took me aside into another room in the facility. It was a private room so we could talk a bit.
By then, we had changed into regular clothes and had dried off. She asked how I happened to find her and I don’t believe I actually told her as I showed her my hand-held device.
After a while she asked me "Do you love me?"… I replied … "yes."
There is only one person with golden curly hair. She was my first love from many, many years ago. Her hair in the water is like flowing gold…I swear…it must be the hair of angels.
In our youth, I introduced her to water polo…we used to skip water polo together and make-out in the park instead…soon after she quit water polo and eventually broke it off with me…. things were somewhat dark back then.
I ran into her later in my life (more recently that is). She introduced me to Aikido… we used to go to that together…though we never skipped it to make out.  We saved that for warm summer nights. If my journal was not deleted in the "great erase," you all could have read about it…back then I wrote so poetically how beautiful her entrance back into my life was. The exit was not so beautiful… it was sad.

This was a long time ago though… I haven’t seen her for about 5 years or so… It think it was that long ago…maybe 5.5 years by now…
I miss her… and yes, I guess I love her too.

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November 18, 2006

ryn: i live in San Diego, perpetual summer. well. almost 😉 thanks for visiting~