Matcha Latte

…so…people would like to know what a matcha latte is…
Well, Matcha is the ceremonial green tea that is used in oriental tea ceremonies. It’s a very fine green powder that you should traditionally serve just plain. But it’s a bit much for me. The green powder is actually tea leaves picked at a very early part of the season. It is ground up into this fine powder and that’s about it.
You should not use fully boiled water when making matcha. . . the same is true for a matcha latte.

So here we go:

  1. 1 teaspoon of matcha into 1/4 cup of 80C water
  2. take a tea wisk or a late wisk to fully dissolve the tea into the water.
  3. heat up 1C of milk in the microwave for about 1 minute and 20 seconds
  4. Add 1 tea spoon of sugar to the water and matcha tea and wisk again
  5. slowly add the hot milk while wisking into a yummy frothy textured latte

Pour into a cup or if you simply made it in a cup…enjoy!

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yay! a recipe 😀 now….where do you get matcha? XD

Ah thank you for all the notes, they.. and not a beverage, put a smile on my face when I finally found it convient enough to roll my tush out of bed =) I do hope that for you, today is better than the day before, and as wonderful as you are.. Amore Sempre ♥

We hurt, only as much as we allowourselves to hurt, and I won’tFor I am me, regardless over,whether or not he accepts itThanks again for the note ^_^ Amore Sempre

I think I need to tell myself things.. to make me feel better, but they don’t really work Maybe if I find a flaw in myself, I can acceptthe greif.. I hear that I am young, and its true.. but if age is experience I’m 100yrs old. My apologies for loft phrases..Amore Sempre ♥

Do you ever find yourself tiring of your heart? I am tired of the games I play on myself, and I wanted to be able to explain it all away.. to feel better as a result of that, but thats silly too.. no?How far do we push, before we must give up? I’m almost sick of thinking at all.. but live,learn,love. ^_^ Amore Sempre ♥

Your notes are a true pleasure I cannot thank you enough.. ^_^ Amore Sempre ♥

I wish you happiness.. like I finally feel.. for we all deserve such fulfilling contentment. I gave up on a dream, to feel a new one.. and that’s the best feeling of all, I found freedom. Amore Sempre ♥