my Tinkerbell

Well, I have this little toy poodle I inherited from my now-deceased "Nana." Tinkerbell is her name. She is so sweet…but quite demanding emotionally. She needs attention all the time.
I don’t know how well she can see anymore in the dark. She can still go and get food in the dark…even if we move the dish… but she seems to have difficulties with the screen door. It’s one of the "phantom" screens that slide across the door as it has no frame.
Lately it’s been so warm out that I just leave her outside at night until she cries at the bottom of the stairs (she likes to doddle). So upon hearing her cries, I come to her rescue and take her up the daunting stairs.
At the top, I usually put her down.
Now this is where she gets a little confused. Sometimes I leave the screen door open, and sometimes not. Her, wanting to be eager, has a habbit of running to the door and jumping in… needless to say, when I close the screen door on my way out to get her, she goes barrelling into this screen door…. It’s quite funny to watch to be honest…but I feel bad for her as well 😉
It doesn’t seem to phase her because next time, she’ll wait for me to open the door. But the time after that, she’ll smash into the screen again.
At least the screen "gives" a bit as she gets wrapped up being halfway into the house and outside at the same time.


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September 6, 2006

Poor thing. My two dogs (both miniature dachshunds) can be like that too. I know exactly what you mean.

September 6, 2006

Awww, poor doggie! But I know some people who can’t make it through sliding foors or screen doors, so ;P Oh, my brother and I get in spats a lot, make no mistake… we’re just at the age now where we won’t try to kill each other. And we don’t see each other often, so when we do, it’s a holiday. Sadly, I don’t know from experience. The car was just rocking side to side like when sex happens in them

September 6, 2006

You know, I phrased that last part like that because I was running out of characters, but now I have to use another word anyway to explain that. “When sex happens in them”… ugh. Just that up and down side to side motion that you see on movies, etc, to imply that they’re having sex. When the car is a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’!