indwelt Spirit

to one of my Blessed teachers, from somebody unworthy of YOUR GRACE.

the fact that you can be wrong, admit it and be sorry for it is amazing. you can inspire people to become better than they are. in recollecting our relationship, i feel a great sense of wonder at how you demonstrated your love for me. we fought, and argued, but you did the right thing and stuck by me. even when i wasn’t sorry for hurting you over and over again, you still turned back to me and loved me. i am guilty of so much in our relationship it overwhelms me. that’s why i feel bad about things between us. i felt ‘unforgiven’ by you for the pain that i caused you… i did ask for forgiveness from you… but the real forgiveness i needed was from GOD. for it was Him that allowed me to see the beauty and the love that you had for me and that you shared with me. it was Him that allowed you to enter into my life and shine a light into my heart. i am guilty of hurting you and being weak and uncaring…. even if i said that i loved you, i don’t know if it was anything more than Eros. but nevertheless, He allowed me to love you with all that i could at the time. He allowed me to care for you in the only way i knew how. we did get to share many good times together and for this i am greatful forever. and ultimately it was HIS GIFT that i turned away from when i left you. so i am even moreso sorry to Him for the pain that i caused his child.
i can say now that i was wrong. i can say that my ways were wrong. this is reality that God has revealed to me through your love. you are a good person and worthy of so much praise. even if you don’t use the ‘bible’ s’ teachings in every day life, you nevertheless, still act according to his will. you were baptized and the Holy Spirit is with you. i pray for healing from the pain you are now suffering and i pray that you will glorify God. I pray that you find peace in your heart and in the people around you.

take care and God Bless YOU!

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May 6, 2004

What a wonderful letter from the heart of Him who is indwelling you with His compassion, love, mercy, and grace. May you come to know and understand by His revelation – that it is He only – nobody can love us as He – nobody can know us as He- the more we die to ourself – the more free we are – not to demand for ourself – but love as He sacrificially – so many still seek for self :-)(OneinChrist))

May 6, 2004

ryn: The extreme circumstances it would take for any person to feel that killing 10 million innocent people is “right” leads me to feel very very sorry for them. It seems to me that NO, God can’t punish them for that, because in order for a person to reach that sort of breaking point that person would surely have been punished enough already. Please know that I’m certainly not saying it’s okay!!!

May 6, 2004

…it would probably take me 3000 words to describe this clearly to you, and I’m too tired to do that right now 😛 haha. Just don’t go thinking I’m a psycho or anything like that! In my opinion, murder is never justified. I don’t think that it is “okay,” EVER.

May 7, 2004

I point out the holes in god for one reason, to point out the idiocracy in religion. People say that aethiest is blind, so i get anoyed at the evangelists and say hey, if im stupid, look at you. I dont beleive in god because of personal decision. Personaly i feel religion is for fools. Not low IQ, not stupid, but people who can not see reality. I scream for self understanding, not god, he’s a book