self absorbed

I try not to write entries that contain ramblings and whinnings about how hard my life is.

I try to keep things relavent to my life and not just randomly philosophising.

I try to keep my diary free from crap and pointless chatter about pointless chatter.

I try to keep my dairy free of me repeating my self repeating myself repeating myself and whinning about how crappy and stupid my life is.


of course, sometimes it just seems like that’s all I do.

it’s not hard to be humble. It’s hard for ME to stay humble.

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Write about what you want to. Write about whatever is going on in your life. People have diaries because they can talk about whatever they want & not have to feel judged or feel dumb. You shouldn’t compromise the contents of your entries just because you’re fearful of how it will make you look. Just… write. Let it pour out.

haha I know how this seems. I’m getting WAY too deep or whatever. I know I may be way off, but I’ve just been thinking about the meaning of diaries lately & had to say something. 😛 I meant every word, though. Good day/night… – Stephanie

Thanks for your notes. And thanks for a new entry. I have heard William Lane Craig speak a couple of times. He’s GOOD. I undertand your thoughts in this entry. There tends to be a lot of complaining and rambling in OD.

May 13, 2004

we live in a world filled with many negative spirits – spirits of darkness that have filled the hearts and minds of people who are not walking and filled with the Spirit of love and truth – it is a daily battle for all of us and this spirit which you speak of – regarding the whining and complaining is the ‘spirit of discontent’ – look around – it’s everywhere – empty hearts complaining and

May 13, 2004

pointing the finger – the reason, “I” am not happy is because of ‘YOU’ – OR ‘THIS SITUATION’ OR ‘THIS OR THAT’….pointing fingers everywhere it seems except looking deep within and wondering why are we pointing the finger. When I get like this – I just remember how our Lord – humbled himself to the point of death – even though He was God..every time I whine or complain I feel ‘yucky’ inside.

May 13, 2004

We need to continue to focus on His grace – and learn to be content and thankful in all situations – this is by His Spirit only – and our flesh will go kicking and screaming trying to fight for ‘its so called rights’…when we all think ‘we have rights’, we are in big trouble – God gave up all for us in sacrificial love -surely we can sacrifice some of our ‘self’ for another – we are learning 🙂

May 13, 2004

This past year He has been teaching me about “I have been crucified with Christ – it is NO LONGER I WHO LIVE – but Christ who lives in me”…therefore – to live out His life more fully – we must die to ‘self’ more and more….we can see Him doing this in us – when for example we are in a situation where we would have spoken out – but now we ‘bite our toungue’ in silence – I love how He does that!!