Patriarchal God Part II

“Now that you beleive in a male, patriarchal God, is there still room in your soul for auras and female-earth-nature type of spirituality”

The next question is: Is there still room in your soul for auras and female-earth-nature type of spirituality?

Well, if you consider my response to the first part of the question, I don’t think it’s exactly outside of the realm of Christianity. However, for me, the “female-earth-nature” type of spirituality is only a part of God. God wants us to explore nature (see Job). He (in the sense of the Father as I spoke of previously) wants us to wrestle with him. But he also wants us to be guided by him. After all, he is the ultimate Father. Personally, I intend to follow where the Holy Spirit takes me in whatever path it takes me. There is a huge field of Christian mysticism that’s only known by few (myself not being one of the few). Jesus taught all of his desciples the ways of miracle and mysticism. Even so, they still disobeyed God. But in any event, I intend to follow wherever he takes me and give full credit to him and not myself.

One of the biggest problems I have with New Age stuff is that it is so extremely self-centered. Everything revolves around the self. That is just not what brings me peace. It’s not what brings me closer to the Holy Spirit. Besides that, in my heart, I know it’s just not for me.

As for auras, I really don’t know much about them. I really do think that God would have created us to have more than just physical bodies. However, at this point in my life, I just don’t see any real value in actively trying to seek out these “auras” or other things. I have enough on my plate in trying to turn to God and to turn away from my own selfish desires.

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April 12, 2004

RYN: Odd…I see it the other way around. Guess it’s lost in translation, isn’t it?

Thanks for your note. I think I understand what you are saying. My statement might have been a bit simplistic.

Thanks for your note. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and marriage. Any new entries on the horizen?