Patriarchal God Part I

“Now that you beleive in a male, patriarchal God, is there still room in your soul for auras and female-earth-nature type of spirituality”

I have to be careful here. You are asking several rather deep question. Firstly, I’m not so sure that I believe in a “male” patriarchal God. The Scriptures tell us that the marital union between a man and a woman is made in the Image of God. If you look back into Genesis, in the beginning, there was the Word! That Word was God. I don’t think that sexes where even created at that point. Genesis tells us that God created Adam, and then from him, created Eve. A lot of Christians view the Father God as a male figure. However, I don’t believe it is necessarily unscriptural to believe that God is more a union of man and woman. Even though God created the male first, doesn’t mean that he was male!

But let’s consider how the Universe was created according to science: First, there was nothing! There was no space and no time. Then, some unexplained singularity arose from this state of nothingness, to create our universe some 14 Billion years ago. Now, how does the universe come from nothing? From nothing, comes nothing! This is a good argument for the existence of a timeless, eternal and personal god (albeit very brief at this point…) according to Dr. William Lane Craig. God can explain this! In the beginning, there was the Word (being God)… God spoke and the universe was created (Big Bang). I believe that it was God who created the Universe.

Now, let’s consider how God made the universe in his image? First there was the Word. I would consider the Word as a Father figure. This, being God the Father. The Father, then created the Universe. This I would say, would be the nurturing -female- figure in the image of God. The Father guides, and Nature nurtures. For if the universe did not exist in the exact fashion that it does, we would exist either. They work together.

That being the case, the earth, the universe, must only be a PART of God’s image. We as humans, in body, live on this earth as only a part of God’s image. So what’s the other part? Well, I believe it is the Father figure. The Father gives us direction and the Universe heeds. This is very similar to what the Scriptures talk about as the marital union between a man and a woman in the image of God. The position of a woman in marriage is to obey and serve her master (in the same way that she obeys and loves the church). The position of the man in marriage is to love and care for the woman (in the same way that he loves God). The role of the Universe is the obey and serve it’s master (God). The role of God is to love and care for the Universe. God the Father gives us direction while the Earth nurtures us and turns us to God. This allows us to serve the Father in his image.

I don’t believe that you have to necessarily believe that God is a male for this image to be fulfilled. Therefore, I don’t believe that it is -necessarily- Scriptural to believe in a male patriarchal God. I believe that it is room for God to be more of a union of man and woman. Marital union is just a simplified image of God. And so is the Universe and the Father. What is important, is that God, is above all this. He is eternal, timeless, personal, and loves ALL his children.

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April 22, 2004

RYN:my genisis goes back and forth he to she and ‘our’ when they made adam, (but then again there really is only one. just two aspects of that one.

You have a lovely diary. I hope you are well and you have a lovely day Love