Am I Wrong…?

So, Thanksgiving came and went! Thank God it’s over with.  I cooked and cooked and went down to the in-laws with so much food! Here’s the catch.  I didn’t even get a plate!! Here I am now three days later washing all the dishes.  Those people don’t like me, so I stayed in the truck for the husband to go see his people.  I’m not a B like that but I should have been, here’s why.  He decided to come out to the truck to get his drink he had forgotten with a plate of food in his hands.  Me being the person I am, I thought it was for me.  But I was wrong.  So wrong.  He just wanted to grab his drink and get back inside to his family.  okay, Kool, I thought.  Cause I knew before we left while I was getting myself ready a plate of food was supposed to be put to the side for me for when we got back.  I literally had told him what and how much of what to put in my plate. So, at this point I wasn’t worried about counting for anything. After sitting in the truck for almost 3hrs, in 48-degree weather and drizzling, we took the two-and-a-half-hour ride back home.   We get home and I realize there’s no food for me.  Here I am now three days later washing all the dishes.  There’s no rhyme or reason that I’ve just spent almost three hours again on washing FKN dishes!  I said for Christmas I ain’t doing it.  I’m not gonna be the disrespected monkey in their show.  You want them to have anything, you do it for them.  I have no family and no kids.  I’d much rather appreciate just spending Christmas alone.   I just wanted to be nice.  I see where nice gets ya now! Why should I make myself a fool?

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November 26, 2023

The quick answer is, “No, you’re not wrong”.  As I’m sure you’ve seen and realized, some people are ingrates.  I don’t know you, but I don’t think that I’d refer to you as a disrespected monkey.