Misery loves company
I could not make this shit up if I tried. I swear.
Vickie called me Friday night looking for Roger.
Her opening was “sorry to bother you, but have you seen the lying bastard or talked to him at all today?”
Are you going to call me every time you two have an argument or you want to verify his words or whereabouts?
I told her he was not with me and that I hadn’t talked to him in 2 years.
For the 100th time.
Then the dam broke.
She told me he was the most inconsiderate person she knows and a daily disappointment. She called him names. She told me she was broken and her life was in shambles and that he has brought her down lower than she has ever been. She told me he was a liar and (for the 3rd time now) that he was never faithful to me BEFORE, DURING or AFTER our relationship. She wants to hurt me so badly. Again.
She told me I didn’t know the “real” him because I lived separately from him and we were both married. She said he wore a mask the whole 15 years he was with me.
She said if I wanted love or even affection in my life then I should stay away from him.. and I quote… “for you would be crying weekly if not daily.”
Does she seriously think she knows him better than me??? LMFAO. Bitch, I been crying for 2 fucking years from this shit are you kidding me right now???!?!
Is she fucking nuts?? HOW are you going to spend 15 years in a very time consuming affair and NOT know the person inside and out.
I told her I knew Roger well. Better than her, is what I wanted to say but didn’t. I used to think I knew him better than anyone else, because I was the one he shared his daily life’s conversations and time with.
Yeah she’s fuckin crazy.
But I refuse to treat her how she treated me. No matter what she does to earn it. She probably got the way she is because other people treated her the way she treated me. I’m going to show her a new way. I’m not going to be the one to cause her additional pain, even though she destroyed my world and everything sacred to me. I will be kind to my enemies. And I will keep my word not to contact him via email or phone. I do not wish to hurt Roger’s relationship with her. He deserves to be happy regardless of my anger and hurt feelings.
It is clear the email tirade caused her great hurt. But I don’t know WHY she doesn’t believe ME when I say he doesn’t contact me! His actions should make it clear to her that it is not ME he’s after. I sent the emails because he refused to acknowledge me and it infuriates me. STILL. I am fighting for my own honor.
Eventually she will find the real culprit.
She’s trying to compare her relationship with Roger to mine, and if she can just get me to say he was horrible to me, too, she could handle it better. Anything would soothe her mind at this point. She wants to hear me hate him, too.
She was distraught and angry because she could not find her lover.
Now she knows what it feels like to be me… for like, an hour. Compare that to 2 years of his silent treatment and we will be equal, but NOT until then.
Ok so now for the part that astonished me.
She thanked me for listening.
Let that sink in… the same woman that was cursing me out every time I called Roger’s phone in my confusion when he left me. The same woman that made the situation I was in even more stressful than it already was with her abuse. THAT same woman had the audacity to complain to me cuz she’s getting served.
She is a straight up Martyr.
She was tired of struggling in her “unique” life. That’s what she said. Verbatim.
That tells me she is of the belief that her life sucks solely because of bad luck and not because of anything she did or any choice she made. She’s an over 40 victim of fate just like Jimmy Buffett crooned about.
So… someone who can’t take accountability for their mistakes is bitching about someone (Roger) not being accountable to her. I think that’s called hypocrisy. Don’t pass it on, lol.
She wants me to commiserate with her because she is miserable with him. But my life WAS not, IS not, like hers. She is right. We ARE nothing alike.
She’s using the fact that Roger and I didn’t live in close proximity to discount the fact that our relationship was successful for 15 years. She fails to take her own shit into account, per usual, and I was not going to be the asshole to tell her that she began a relationship on false pretenses. She has drugs in common with him and not much else as far as I can see.
How you gonna REALLY know someone, the REAL someone, when what you have in common is a mind altering substance that makes you abandon who you used to be and compromise everything you once believed in.
They call what you have “dope sick love ” I think the definition is self explanatory.
Our relationship was good because we loved each other and worked hard at it. Drugs are what destroyed us .. the same thing that gave birth to her relationship with him is what destroyed mine.
I’d say maybe SHE’S the one that got the man with a mask, not me.
Next time you can’t find your man, don’t come looking for me cuz I have NO idea who he’s with. Why she’s fascinated with me when he wants nothing to do with me totally confounds me.
I think the fact that she calls me but he won’t is pretty telling so I don’t know how that is lost on her.
Vickie!… You’re calling someone he has no intention of ever speaking to again. And you didn’t just call me once… no, you’ve texted or called me on October 1, October 6, October 12, October 13, October 14, October 22 and again that same evening.
She is the victor but she’s not happy with her spoils.
I am not afraid of her anymore.
There is nothing she can tell my family that will diminish their love for me.
I know unconditional love, and she doesn’t. Now she’s heartbroken because she got duped.
Guess nobody ever told her you reap what you sow.
And she did an awful lot of planting.
What did she expect other than a bumper crop?
Now go harvest.