Sunday 9/10/23

7:39a.m. I read the first chapter in Holly. This book caught my interest from the first page and it will not let go. I don’t want to talk about the story line. But I will say Stephen King has a wild imagination. You just cannot go wrong with a Stephen King book.

I read until 8:30 then my battery on the tablet went dead. I soon followed. I slept fairly good. The aides came in to check on me. So I wasn’t lying in urine all night. I think they came in twice. I did have some weird dreams. I had this one dream where I was a Sargent in the Marines during WWII. Alone I started an enemy position and killed all their soldiers . 

Then the aides came in at 4:30. They cleaned me up, changed me and got me in my wheelchair. I was still tired to I slept in my chair for a couple hours. Then they served drinks and breakfast. I had scrambled eggs and a coffee cake. This time the eggs were hot . 

Well I’m above the dIrt. Im off to a good start today.i had !y coffee and juice plus a good breakfast. I’m not in too much pain. I got my sleep out. I’m wide awake and blessed with another day 

10:57a.m. I slept on my wheelchair all  morning. I had a nice aide who cleaned me up, changed my briefs and got me in bed. I feel better getting off that damned Hoyer pad. I’ve been getting good care the last few days. Perhaps the many complaints I made finely paid off.

1:20p.m. I just had a delicious lunch. They served country fried steak with gravy and mashed potatoes. For dessert I had a lemon cream pie. Then I had my coffee and chocolate milk. I ate it all

I’m getting into Holly by Stephen King. The heroine in the story is Holly Gibney. She has a private detective agency called Finders Keeper. Holly was a character from the Bill Hodges series and a book called The Outsider. When King first introduced her Holly was, well, very messed up.  But in the latest novel she evolved into a strong and capable woman running her own detective agency. 

Anyways, the story takes place during the height of the Covid epidemic. A woman , by the name of Penny Dahl contacts Holly. Penny hirers Holly to find her missing daughter. I do not wish to reveal more. But I will say it is pretty gruesome  

I don’t read novels too often. But Stephen King is the best in my humble opinion. I read most of his books. I was browsing through my Kindle Library and found two books I haven’t read yet. These are The Talisman and Black House. I think I will read these two next. I’m in the mood for some escapism. 

6:3p.m. Something tells me I’m in for a rough night. The mean aide is on duty. She brought my dinner of an Italian sub sandwich. I didn’t get any coffee with my meal. I’m more worried about the mean aide though. She is very rough with me . She isn’t all that friendly either. I hope to God I don’t have her tonight.

I was reading my book Holly this afternoon until I fell asleep. I came to a hard to read part so I put down the tablet. I slept for a couple over of hours. I woke up at five and chatted with Chococolatechip on Messenger. She was going on about the Bitch Clique throwing stuff at her door plus their latest drama.

She was also wondering if anyone will help her move. Elaine is down in Tennessee with Cleve. She was also thinking Elaine and Cleve are fighting. So help from that department is doubtful.i said I hope you will get help. Her sister Kathleen promised to pay for moving expenses and the deposit.

Then she talked about the never ending problem with bed bugs. Chococolatechip hasn’t seen any since they sprayed. But other people in the building still get them. She was saying that this guy in 607 keeps getting them from Tim the Moocher. He is pretty pissed about it. I would be as well. BB is all the more reason to get the hell out of that hellhole.

Well I’m going back to my book Holly. I hope I can stay up and read more chapters tonight 

8:21pm I’ve been reading Holly. The story is getting good. I’m proud of myself. I am on a thirty-two day reading streak. I think Im done for the day. I’m tired and want to sleep. But I also want to read one more chapter in my book. 

I did get changed and not by the mean aide. She wasn’t too friendly but she did the job. At least I’m not lying in urine. Now it is back to my book.





















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September 10, 2023

Glad to hear you’re hooked on the book.    I’m thinking about buying Holly also.

September 10, 2023

@merrypresent I highly recommend it. I just started it last night. It is pretty good so far