Wednesday 9/6/23

4:40a.m. I had some bad dreams last night. I had a nightmare about my remember yelling at him telling you him how much I hated him. He was yelling back calling me all of names. In short the feelings were of mutual hatred.  I woke up from it s bit shaky and couldn’t get back to sleepover a couple hours. 

Other than that I had a good night. Aides came in to change me z few times. She was not too friendly but she did a good job. She got me up at 4:30. It was kind of early but I’m ready to face my day. I’m above the dirt 

7:38a.m. I guess it was so much for facing the day. I slept in my wheelchair until they served breakfast. Breakfast was shitty. They served cold scrambled eggs and a sweet roll. I ate the roll. I’m pretty much sick of scrambled eggs. At least the coffee was hot and I ended up with two glasses of orange juice. 

9:43a.m. I’m not doing very well today. I’ve been very tired and depressed. Also, the damned Hoyer pad was killing me. I’m not going to the Coffee Social. I just don’t feel up to it today. I feel like day old crap. But this is not going to stop me from reading Maybe getting lost in a good history book will make me feel better.

12:05p.m. I managed to stay awake and read. I read two chapters in Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention of 1787. I was feeling somewhat better until I found out they were serving ham and pinto beans for lunch. This is great. I had a lousy breakfast and now I’m having a lousy lunch. I can’t stand ham and pinto beans

6:37p.m. I had a nice afternoon reading my book Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Conversation of 1787. I read a total of five chapters today. I hope to read a couple more tonight. This makes 28 straight days of reading. I’m on a streak.

I read a couple hours this afternoon. I stopped around five when they served supper. I had spaghetti with meat sauce and grean beans Supper was the only decent meal I had today. 

I had a pretty good day despite the shitty meals. I knew things would get better if I got lost in a good history book.

Oh. I bought a John Grisham story A Witness to a Trial for $.99. I have three cents left on my gift card .

8:28p.m I’ve been peeing like crazy since supper. I had the call light on but no answer. I’ll probably lie in urine all night. I told the nurse when she brought my evening meds. She said she will tell them. This was an hour ago. No aides have come 

I finished my reading goal. I read a total of six chapters. I can finish this book by Friday. Next is the Stephen King book Holly. I’m addicted to King and I’ll breeze through this one as well. Then it is the John Grisham story. My short term goal is to read three books this month 



















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