It’s finally Friday!

I feel bad because i had to ask my mom to get my son from his bus stop but the way we got it worked out, he will just get it to my moms Development.  Then she’s going to drop him off here, and i will take her car to the bank and hopefully get what i need done.

I posted the truck, last night.

The scrap yard wants to give me $690, IF i bring it to them. I posted it for 1800 obo. If someone knows what they’re doing, the could get an engine for about a grand and do what they must.

Im doubtful it will sell even close to that price but i had to at least give it a try.

I sold one item online. My plan is to get my shop back up to at least 500.

I’m at 256, now.

I could post non stop but i have been slacking. Moreso when hes around.  I just don’t understand this guy tho. He was literally telling me some bs, made up fluff.

Like i always write in all caps. I was like huh? I literally scrolled through months of messages to him. I did not.

He said i never want to do stuff w him. I said like what? He had an example of going to the bins.

F ya i wanna go. However… the truck had issues. We just got a working vehicle and all summer you’re out racing.

Plus. We’re broke.

So then he said, I’m always shopping.  Like really dude? I spent 18 bucks like 8 months ago on clothes. Groceries? You were there. You saw what i bought.  You saw what it costs.

I get tea every few days. I already shop discounts.

Like wtf? Why fight about money? Dumbest thing to argue over if neither one of us has any.

But hey, go spend $$ on shoes, 2 new shirts, pants, shorts, and then turn around and wonder where the pocket money went. I literally sat down, and told him at the end of the month, we have like anywhere between 50 to 35 bucks left.

Which is why i reopened my shop and i am working online, again.


He said about selling at the markets.

At this point i was like yaaa. But… truck down, no money and you were at the races all weekend. I can’t work Wednesday or friday because i have a 6 yr old who is in school full time. I cant load up at 4am, anymore unless its a weekend and your not here. Smdh… you had plans last week to sell. Yes, i did. The event canceled.

Then onto what i didn’t accomplish this week. She just went back to school on monday. You wanted me to also paint the house? Yaaaa. No.

One day off and i slept.



Head sploded at this point.




He said i got mad at him when he worked for M. I said nooo… you quit again.

he seriously undervalued you and overworked you. Expecting you to build him basically a new home for $300 a week, beating my truck down at the time while giving no care at all about it. HE owns multiple repair shops. Instead, uuugh

Nevermind. Now it doesn’t work.

Like… common sense.

I said but hey, go back to M, then! Go for it but… keep in mind, hes not gonna pick you up for work, hes not gonna take you home and hes not paying you crap.

But hey. What do i know.

Anyway, i flipped my shit on him, again. And i feel bad for doing it but dont treat me like shh and Expect me to just take it. My peace is whats needed and hes getting on my last nerve.

Hes w J, today. Hopefully won’t be around much.

I’m stuck tho.

Anyway, laundry. Food. Work later on more listings.

Venting over.


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