10 years ago today

In light of it being 10 years today since Nathan went home to his Heavenly Home, here is a few Pictures of Rememberance.

1 Month old –
He was about 11 pounds and 24 inches long. He never knew what Newborn Clothes were. Too big for them.

Nathan’s 1st Birthday –
My Grandma made him this Clown Cake. He also got a Musical Clown that looked like this. We put this Cake before him and he was mesmerized by it. We told him to put his hand in it and he wasn’t all that sure so Brian pushed his hand down and this is his look.

18 months –
He loved this toy! When we asked what he was doing he said, “I’m gonna be a Fireman”

2 ½ years –
This was one of those times we left Nathan at the table to eat, since he was taking Forever! The Barbecue Sauce was on the other side of the table. He walked over, got it. Opened it and poured it in his plate.
When I saw him I laughed which of course he did too, but then I really needed him to know that was a bad thing. I ran and got my camera and said, “BAD BOY”, which immediately cause him to have this look. LOL
I know that was cruel.. Bad Mom. LOL

3rd Birthday –
This smile… he smiled like this when he was SO VERY Happy!

Kindergarten –
Holding a Ninja Turtle. I love his sweet look. Such a Sweet Boy.

5 years old –
Playing Dress Up. Sarah also dressed in his clothes along with some friends (a brother and sister). The covering on Nathan’s head was his thin worn out Baby Blanket of which he still slept with every night (until he misplaced it the next year). Sarah painted his Finger Nails. LOL

1st Grade –
This was his Ninja Pose, with his New Shoes that made him *Jump Higher and his Cool Spiked Hair.

10 years old –
Just like a Brother to have the Hose.

1st day of 5th Grade –
I loved his choice of Hair Style that year. It was what I saw as “normal”.

6th Grade. He played the Xylophone in Band. He had one Band Concert that that parents came to during school hours. He was so nervous! He wanted to make sure he didn’t mess up in front of his Dad. I thought he did well at playing the Xylophone. It was one of the bigger heavier Instruments. He hated lugging that thing to school every day. I said, “Did you think about the Flute?”. 6th and 7th graders had to share Lockers, so getting it to fit, along with heavy coats and books was not fun or always successful. He begged to quit. I told him he was committed till the end of the Semester. (I was also hoping he’d change his mind). It was like his niche. His sister did alot of things well. This was something he did well.

Summer of 1996 almost 12 years old
I got this picture from a friend of his. This look was his *Silly Look that went along with a *Silly Talk, that went along with his *Silly Highs. Oh that dopey silly talk that his friends picked up and their mom’s HATED. LOL. When Nathan was on his *Silly High it was very hard getting him to come down and be serious. He’d fluster me at times. I would be trying to talk serious and he’d be like that, and then I would laugh which only egged him on. Through my laugher I was trying to be really stern and it was really hard!

I miss his *Silly Highs and the laughter he brought to our Lives.

He was One of a Kind
Loved to: Play Football
Ride his Bike
Play Computer Games
Go Fishing
Play with his Remote Control Car
Tease his Family and Friends
Loved his Dog Otto
8-10-84 to 8-28-96

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May 21, 2007

Email me – your Bird_of_Paradise@opendiary.com email failed. I have something to share with you about the RAK cards. minus1son@msn.com I liked this entry.

April 29, 2008

Somehow I found my way over to this diary this morning (4/29/08). I found this entry very touching… he was a lovely child… (I used to read this diary several years ago but then just found it again this morning)

April 29, 2008

Oh by the way, I used to be “Wysteria” when I read this diary…

Thank you so much for sharing this part of you. Bless you. Mike