~Memory Plaque

 Nathan was born on an August 10th. He would of been 21 this year…
And I didn’t have as much to think on it as I thought I might of.

This month makes 9 years that he has been gone.. It’s SO far away since then.
He left when he was still playing with G.I Joe Men, and playing Cops and Robbers with his Friends
He left when he was on the verge  or even the Mist of maturing  and starting to move away from those Childhood Games.
He left while his Mind was still somewhat Pure
He left while still enjoying Reading Together each night. Oh the Adventures we went on through books.
He left while still enjoying spending time with his Parents
He left being a Compassionate, Thoughtful & Helpful Boy 
Those are the memories I have.. One who was 12. I can’t even imagine a 21 year old. Nor do I invision what could off been. 9 years was a long time ago.

It makes one think????? Was this all a Dream?
We aren’t even in the same house anymore. In fact we have lived in 4 houses since then.. And life is so very different now.  Far from what was 9 years ago.

Anyways……. we finally  got most of our Pictures up in the House. We hung this Bubble thing up (See below).
It is so nice to see it on the Wall again after 2 1/2 years since we moved to this town. It just feels right for it to be hanging up for all to see.
My Stepmom had this made for us and sent it the first Christmas after Nathan was gone. She had said" It’s the next best thing".. Well……………………. I won’t go that far. But it is Precious!

Hey Speaking of Precious… These two Figurines are Precious Moments.

Nathan had a Cocker Spaniel… Otto…

Nathan Loved to Fish…..   

This picture used in this is one of my favorites cause it is the ONLY year he had this kind of Haircut.
I love that Smile ……………………….  

                        Underneath his Picture it says-                                

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August 16, 2005

I always liked that picture and I think Lee did a beautiful job on the whole picture. Glad you got your pictures up. Love Mom.

August 16, 2005
August 16, 2005

It’s beautiful!

August 18, 2005
August 19, 2005

I love your “bubble thing.” Perhaps you should call it something more appropriate. Maybe, “Nathan’s Precious Smile.” Or, how about “Precious Nathan’s Smile.” Your stepmother did a very professional job on it. I bet it brought tears to your eyes when you opened it on a Christmas that must have been almost unbearable.

August 20, 2005

This touched my heart. Very emotional for me.

October 31, 2005

Such a precious, beautiful smile. Can’t you just picture how beautiful Nathan is in Heaven. My heart still goes out to you for having to endure such a loss. *hugs*

January 21, 2006

hay sweetie ~ im pouring out prayers for u hun!!! some people think after 9 yrs u would not feel pain but thats SO false!! i lost a child but it wasa misscarriage when i was 19 and i was not that far along! but i still gte teary eyed soemtime!! i cant even beign goi knwo your pain!! that memoial thing she gave u foir your son was so nice! i am a collector or precious moments!God bbless u!